20. Unforgettable Love

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Anna was looking on at the scene outside from where she was standing behind the windows. Her husband was holding her waist protectively as he was also looking at Jackson O'Kane's exchange with O'Neil from far.

Anna swallowed hard as she thought of the past that was fresh in her mind. She had history with O'Kane before marrying Arturo. She tried hard to avoid him after marriage. They had met briefly in parties at times. She didn't think of him unless she saw him like right now. Being close to him made all those memories she tried to forget so hard to come flooding in her mind.

Anna admired his persistence. All those years ago, he fought his father so hard. But he was defeated. Jackson's father was no ordinary mobster. He had a terrifying reputation. He was a cold hearted gang leader who no one dared to cross. He had a dictatorship and was prejudiced against Italians. Jackson was not even allowed to mention the name of an Italian girl at home let alone bring one home. He met Anna in secret many times and tried to convince his father to give him his blessing which of course was met with hostility. Jackson's father put him under close watch not allowing him to ever contact her again by any means. His father feared him marrying Anna in secret so he made sure there was no chance of it. She then didn't see his icy blue eyes again for a long time after he was put under surveillance by his father.

After his father's death, Jackson as his heir, became even more ruthless and controlling than his father making his organisation work well but his personal life did not improve as he never married. He managed his businesses with great discipline. His ultimate test was when he took revenge on all those responsible for killing his father. After that he had respect that no one could deny. No one messed with his family. To everyone he was the fearsome Irish mob boss who forgave no one for their crimes, not even his own father. He didn't attend his own father's funeral. His father took away the chances of him ever capturing Anna's heart by banning him from seeing her. He hated him for that reason and never made peace with him. Now he was a round mobster that everyone in that room was wary of. Only she had seen his soft side. Even Francesco was wary of him.

Anna shook her head "I need a drink. There is no point watching. They could be awhile talking about business out there." She then freed herself from Arturo's grip and walked to her table. She poured herself some whiskey and sat down downing the bitter liquid slowly thinking of the past that was coming back to her.

Anna looked at Amethyst and Andreas who were standing at the window watching the man out there who could have been their father if Arturo had stopped fighting for her. If Arturo had stopped fighting then she would have waited until Jackson's father died and then Jackson could be free from his father's laws.

Jackson seemed to be finally making his way to the building by the looks of it as Sterling asked the guests to return to their tables to enjoy their drinks. Anna downed more whiskey as she was not looking forward to see her ex again. But as Arturo sat next to her and planted a kiss on her cheek she felt better. He made her feel safe. He made her problems disappear just by being there sitting next to her. Arturo was understanding. He knew about her ex. He was jealous. She wasn't going to be surprised if Arturo clashed with Jackson. What mattered to her was the trust he had in her. He had accepted that before they were married she was with him. But now she had chosen Arturo and he loved him. Arturo never questioned her loyalty to him. They had no secrets between them. She had broken his heart once after deciding to not consult him when she had consented on Amethyst to have an operation to come out of coma. She felt guilty and was willing to atone for it how he wished. Not that she could endure his punishments. When he had blanked her out she didnt know what to do? She was lost. She couldnt lose him. She was lucky Arturo still loved her enough not to hurt her.

Arturo whispered " Do you want to be excused Anna?"

Anna would have run if it was a different situation. But she knew she could not run from jackson. She whispered "No Arturo. I will be fine."

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