[01] - the one with all the phone calls

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A few years later...

The country's capital was glowing on this bright sunny day in April, the patriotism leaking through every pore of it. Through the streets were tourists taking pictures of the monuments and the locals just trying to get through another day in D.C. One family in particular; two mothers, a teenage daughter and her younger brother were standing outside a café just a couple yards from the Washington Memorial. The boy decided that morning to wear his favorite t-shirt, black with a curvy lightning bolt looking "S" in shiny silver. He looked around the busy streets, hoping to catch his favorite superhero pass by. 

A few tables away, Beatrice sat with a cup of coffee in front of her, and her newest favorite book "The Magicians" by Lev Grossman open to page 109. Just as she was taking another sip of her coffee, her phone alarm started to go off, signaling her that her break was over. Beatrice quickly put her bookmark on the page she left off on, finished the last of her coffee and threw the cup in the trash as she pocketed her phone. As she was walking away, a bike messenger sped through a crowd and made Beatrice jump back and drop her book. It slid against the cobblestone to the chair that the little boy was sitting at. He looked down just as Beatrice bent over to pick it up, and when she looked up to him, he was star struck. 

"Y-You're-" He tried to say, but his stutter wouldn't let him finish. Beatrice smiled at the boy and gave him a wink as she stood up. Just before she was about to leave, something caught her eye. 

"I like your shirt."

The boy sat in his chair, utterly shocked as Beatrice walked over to the motorcycle parked on the side of the road. She stuffed her book in the compartment under the seat and turned to give the kid a small two-finger salute before putting on her helmet and jumping on the bike. The boy quickly turned to his parents and sister and started shouting about his hero Sterling and pointing in Beatrice's direction, but she was gone.

Beatrice sped down the road, dodging cars and trying to make it to the Triskelion on time. When she stopped for a red light, she pressed the side of her helmet and the visor lite up with a program.

What can I do for you today, Ms. Babino? Jarvis asked through the built in speakers Tony had installed with the helmet. This was a Christmas present to Beatrice when he found out that she sometimes borrowed Steve's bike. Mainly so when he called her, she could answer no matter what. 

"Hey Jarvis, could you get Steve on the line?" Beatrice asked. 

The traffic light turned green and Beatrice sped off again as Jarvis responded, Certainly. 

A picture of Steve that Beatrice had sneakily taken one night popped up on her visor as she waited for her boyfriend to pick up. After a couple more rings, the voice of one Steve Rogers came through.


Beatrice smiled at his deep assertive tone as she turned a corner, "Hey. It's me."

"Oh, hey." Steve's voice changed like someone had hit a switch in him  at the sound of Beatrice's voice. It now sounded more relaxed with a hint of a smile. 

"No need to worry, I'm just checking in on you. How was the mission?" Beatrice asked.

"Just cleaning up some of Fury's messes out on international waters. You know, the usual."

"Ooo, fun. We still on for date night tonight?"

A sigh came through the line before Steve spoke up, "You know what sweetheart, how 'bout a night in? I kind of just avoided getting blown up by a grenade and I'd really like to just relax with you."  A blush snuck its way up Beatrice's neck and a silly smile creeped on her face. 

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