~Chapter 3~

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*Drevin's POV*

Namzy(Naomi) walked in front of me and walked over to a huge rock that was in a half oval shape and pressed her hand against it and immediately the rock scanned her hand but at first, it said "Access Denied". I walked over to it and put my hand on the rock and it said "Access Denied". I frowned upon this and took out my phone and dialed Shane's number.

(On The Phone)

"Shane, Seriously!" I yelled.

"What?" Shane asked while chuckling.

"You know 'what'" I said. "Why doesn't the scanner work?!" I asked as I yelled.

"I was just fucking with you guys. Go ahead and try it again" Shane said.

(End Of Phone Call)

I hung up and scowled. I walked back over to the rock.

"Try it again, Namzy," I said.

"Okay," Namzy said.

Namzy put her hand on the rock again and it scanned her hand for the second time and this time it said "Access Granted" and it opened up. Namzy walked through the opening but then it suddenly closed before I could enter. I put my hand on the rock and it said "Access Denied". I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed Shane's number once again.

(On The Phone)


"Okay, Okay," Shane said.

(End Of Phone Call)

The door to the rock opened suddenly and I walked in and then walked down the hallway. I saw Namzy inside a room and I walked in and Shane stood there with a smirk on his face. I scowled and growled at Shane. Everyone stared at me and I didn't care.

"Everyone, go wait in the hallway. Drevin you stay in here. Namzy you leave too" Shane said.

"Okay..." Namzy mumbled.


Wait why is everyone leaving? I'm so nervous. Was he gonna kick me out of the gang for yelling at him? Did he hate me? Everyone started to leave the room including Namzy. My legs wobbled under me and I felt like I was going to fall over any second. Shane was towards me and I walked backward because I didn't know what he was capable of and I didn't know what he would do.

I backed up into a wall and he put his hands on either side of my head. He walked closer to me if that was even possible and he leaned in and kissed me. I was shocked about what happened. I kissed back as soon as he kissed me. His fingers were in my hair pulling me closer. Our bodies were up against each other.

Suddenly we were on the floor and he was on top of me and rubbing against me. I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips and I felt the need for him to kiss me everywhere but he pulled back. I grabbed his shirt and we both were standing, I headed to a wall and grabbed his hand and the wall scanned it and said: "Access Granted". The wall opened a door and we walked inside and immediately it closed behind us. We were now in Shane's room, I pushed him over and he fell on to the bed. 

I pulled off his shirt and kissed his chest. He leaned against the head board...studying me...observing me.

"Continue, Drevin," Shane said. 

I continued to kiss his chest making my way down to his pants then back up. I kissed his neck and to his earlobe then to his cheeks then finally his lips. He bit his lip with his fangs and blood seeped out of it. I licked the blood up off his lip and closed the wound. Shane flipped me over and suddenly he was on top of me and pulling off my shirt. He started to kiss me as I had kissed him. I couldn't help the fit of moans that left my lips when he playfully nibbled on my earlobe.

I arched my back at the pleasure.

"Take off my pants, Drevin," Shane said in a deep sexy voice.

"I don't know if it's a good time for...um Ya know uh...the S.E.X," I said.

"It is the perfect time for sex, Drevin," Shane said.

"But you're the leader of the gang," I said as I tried to make up an excuse.

"Yes, so?" Shane asked.

"Well, are you not supposed to have sex with people under you?" I asked.

"You're literally under me, Drevin. But if you talking about rank then I will raise your rank to #1 right along side me" Shane said.

"Okay, but what about Namzy's Rank number?" I asked.

"I could raise her's as well," Shane said with an evil grin. 

"Why do I sense that there is a 'but' in this?" I asked.

"That's because there is a condition," Shane said.

"Okay... but?" I asked.

"But I want to fuck you and I want you to like it and feel pleasure instead of pain," Shane said. "I want you to do this willingly just like the kissing we did" Shane finished.

"Fine I will," I said.

"Fine I will," I said

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*Shane's POV*

I secretly was in love with Drevin, that's why I made the condition. If he and his girl Namzy had to survive my gang they would need a high Ranking. I raised Drevin's ranking because he had a point, I couldn't have sex with low ranking gang members that were below me. Technically speaking everyone was below me in ranking but not anymore, Drevin and Namzy were going to be the same ranking as me.

Namzy was a cute girl but no I wasn't interested in girls like that, I was only interested in boys. Everyone knew I was gay except for Namzy, she was the newest member of my gang. I appreciated her because she was obedient and was a great listener. She never argued about anything and I liked that in a gang member.

I was aware of her Guardian angels leaving her to fend for herself. I was also aware that she had a boyfriend other than Drevin and his name was Dimitri. I was aware that Matthew tried to get her to not kill and torture people. Matthew also tried to get her back to her old self but of course, it didn't work like that. Namzy takes combat sessions and other sessions her in the underground hideout.

I worked one on one with her for the past 2 years since Drevin recruited her. I was unaware of her being recruited seeming that I didn't call that to order but if Drevin wanted it then I let him have it. When I recruited Drevin he was out on the street and was only 16 years old, now he is 24 in vampire years and I'm 26 in vampire years.

Drevin never talked out of turn unless I asked him questions. Over the years I had grown very fond of Drevin. 

I looked down at Drevin and he started to undo my pants and take them off and that's when his eyes grew as big as like saucers when he looked at my cock.

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