Prey & Hunter

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•~ ~•Diabolic Lovers•~ ~••~  

"To think we'd meet again so soon."

Yui's breath hitched at the sight of Reiji standing across from her. Her chest started to hurt, and she forgot to say something smart to Cordelia.

"You..." She muttered trying to compose herself.

Seiji wasn't that far from her. If she screamed, he'd come running. She had faith in that at least. "What do you want?" She coolly asked raising an eyebrow.

Reiji's expressionless face didn't give anything away. "Is that how you treat your saviour? Humans are truly ill-mannered."

Yui stared at him, an apathetic look in her eyes. "Manners are shown to those who deserve it, no?" She shot back calmly.

"You haven't changed one bit." Reiji noted taking a step towards her.

Yui took a step back. "You don't even know me." She hissed at him.

He didn't stop walking even as he answered her. "I know enough."

Her back met a wall. He stopped right in front of her and stared at her. She met his gaze without flinching, she would not give him the satisfaction that the original Yui had given the Sakamaki brothers.

"Even now you refuse to show any fear."

"Fear emerges when one is scared." She evenly said, narrowing her eyes at Reiji. "I would appreciate some personal space."

He blatantly ignored her request by leaning in closer to her, their noses touching.

"Aren't you scared?" He whispered, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"No." Yui stated. "In my eyes, you're just a whiny little brat prone to arson for petty reasons."

His eyes flashed in anger. "What would you know about reasons?" He hissed.

"It had something to do with the boy Edgar would go meet, right?"

Reiji's eyes widened slightly. "Smart," He noted, "But you don't have the slightest clue as to what it had to do with that boy."

"It's clear that you hate him for some reason."

"Wouldn't you hate the person who stole everything you ever worked for without even trying?"

"Jealous?" Yui arched an eyebrow, allowing a small smirk on her face. "You resorted to burning down a whole village, filled with innocent people, because you were jealous. You're pathetic.No wonder that boy was able to steal everything from an immature brat like you."

"I was wrong," Reiji muttered taking a step back, "You're not as smart as I thought." There was a dark look on his features.


"If you were, you wouldn't have provoked me despite knowing full well what I'm capable of."

"I'm not some submissive human, and I will express my opinion as I see fit."

Reiji smiled despite the dark look he had. "Then Yui Komori, you are in need of some discipline. You're not human anymore, you're merely prey."


Yui glanced at the door quickly before glancing back at Reiji.

There was a challenging look in his eyes.

"Come in." Yui stated.

The door went open, and Reiji Sakamaki was no longer in her hotel room. It was now just her and Seiji Komori.

•~ ~•Diabolic Lovers•~ ~••~  

Yui couldn't fall asleep that night.

"You're merely prey."

Yui played with the necklace of hers, a contemplative look on her features. She needed to find out what a vampire's weakness was. According to the memories of the stranger, garlic and crosses wouldn't work. The only thing that could work was that silver knife, but even that didn't work against Laito, now did it?

'Maybe I should invest in buying a flamethrower, eh Cordelia?'

Cordelia's response was to immediately make her heart hurt.

'Burned to death like the witch you are. Karma's a whore like you, isn't it?' Yui continued provoking.

Cordelia increased the pain.

Yui smiled.

'Maybe I am a masochist.' She decided then and there. 'But I won't submit myself to any arrogant bastards. And besides, I like making other people hurt too.'


It happened so suddenly that Yui didn't get the chance to react. One moment she was sitting on her bed minding her own business while listening to music, and then the next she was forced down, and there was a sharp pain at the side of her neck along with a sudden weight.

Her immediate response was to struggle, she tried punching the vampire.

"Get off, you fucker!" She hissed trying push him off.

He didn't budge one bit.

"Why didn't you beg?"

"I-, bes-, an-..."

"Hmph, you..."

"I h....."



Yui did the most logical thing she could think of, she kneed Reiji in the groin.

He gasped in pain.

She took that chance to yank his head away from her neck by yanking his hair away from her. As quick as she could she flipped him, so that their positions were changed, and she sat on top of him, practically straddling him.

She ignored the blood dripping from her neck as she dug her nails through his flesh. See if he liked people randomly piecring his flesh.

"You're a jerk, a huge jerk, I fucking hate you vampires, I hate all of you!" She growled at him, digging her nails deeper and deeper.

He wasn't struggling. He didn't say anything either.

It pissed her off more.

She finally looked at him, and paused in her verbal assault. Her eyes were wide in shock, because Reiji was crying.

"'re crying." She mumbled the obvious.

"I should hate her, she chose Shu over me. She neglected me, and showered Shu with all her attention. I should hate her so much, no, I hate her. But why did she smile when that vampire hunter killed her? Why?! She didn't deserve to be happy."

Yui realized that Reiji wasn't even talking to her, he was just mumbling his thoughts out loud. He probably didn't even notice that he was crying.

'It would be easy for him to kill me if he wanted to. He could just flip me over and suck my blood till my body runs out.' She realized, or rather acknowledged.

"You're merely prey."

And the Sakami were the hunters.

That night, a human and a vampire cried together, both for very different reasons.

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