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Yui shivered.

For the last three days she felt it, the phantom feeling that someone was watching her. Who it was? That was anyone's guess.

And here I thought you're the only creeper I have to deal with Cor...And despite how confident she tried to sound, it was obvious to her that she was unnerved.

The fact that Cordelia didn't deem her insults mocking enough was obvious by the lack of heart pain she's experienced since the last day.

"Yui!" Two hands cover her eyes.

Yui immediately throws the person over her shoulder in self-defense, her eyes narrowed and her posture ready for a fight.

Then she noticed that it was just Edgar.

"Oh, it's just you." She blandly said relaxing back into her normal posture.

"That hurt! And what's wrong with me?" Edgar cried out in protest.

Yui offered him her hand inwardly reminding herself that she wasn't feeling guilty or anything, and that she was merely doing so out of politeness. "You just surprised me." She truthfully answered.

"You didn't seem so surprised though, I expected you to yell like a girl."

"Aaahhh...." Yui drowned out lazily in a mockery of a scream.

"I have a feeling that girls aren't supposed to act the way you do." Edgar noted.

"You're having the same mindset as your parents then." Yui resisted the urge to smirk at Edgar's horror filled face.

If there was one thing Edgar couldn't stand, it was to do anything or say anything remotely similar to his parents.

"I take that back! You're the most girly girl I've ever met!"

Yui merely shook her head at the statement, caught between being both offended and amused.

"Though where did you learn to do that?"

"I take some lessons. They taught be some self-defense as a starting point." Yui yawned out, she still found waking up before five a pain in the butt.

But what could she do?

"Could you teach me sometimes?"

Yui glanced at the tall boy next to her. "Maybe some other time."

"Yes!" Edgar cheered.

Yui allowed a small smile on her face, 'He's such a simple minded boy.'

Then she felt someone's piercing gaze on her back. It made her shiver. She glanced around trying to find the source of her discomfort, but there was no one noteworthy there.

"Something wrong Yui? You seem kind of distracted..."

"Just...daydreaming." Yui lied.

Edgar raised an eyebrow, "About what?"

"About unicorns...."

"We both know that's a lie."

"No, I actually like unicorns."

"Yesterday you called them weird mutation of horses that needs to be burned down."

"A girl's mind is a fickle thing."

"And now you're saying weird stuff."

Yui rolled her eyes, "I just...get the feeling that someone's watching me."

"Probably the adults, we don't exactly get guests often." Edgar explained.

"No, the way they look at me is different. There's someone who....forget about it, I probably sound crazy."

Edgar shrugged.

He probably thinks so too.

Yui sighed, this really just wasn't her day. If she had paid attention she'd notice a pair of very familiar eyes that haunts her dreams looking at her.


"Grr..." Yui lamely growled.

"No, like this....GRAAARRR!" Edgar demonstrated.

Yui gave him a flat look, "Graaar..." she yawned out.

"Why do you gotta be so difficult?" Edgar dejectedly sighed.

Yui shrugged, it would be too mean of her to say that it's because Edgar's expressions were amusing to watch.

"Shu would have done it..."

"Well, he's desperate for friends." Yui muttered in annoyance.

Then she shivered feeling the gaze once again on her back. This time it didn't feel as intense. Who's there? She wondered glancing around.

Somewhere out of sight a young boy fixed his glasses, "Interesting.." finally someone who shared his feelings on the waste of space. "Such a shame you'll die soon..."


Yui sighed.

She's been doing that a lot lately.

This time it's because it was too warm for her liking. The fact that Edgar was clinging on to her while drooling on her neck only served to make the night more unbearable to her.

I just want to go home.

Why was she even feeling homesick?

There was nothing special waiting for her back home. With another sigh she tried prying herself off of Edgar.

"Yui..." Edgar mumbled in protest, a frown knitting his features.

Yui sighed in defeat.

I got attached didn't I?

She could feel Codelia laughing at her.

At least I didn't get attached to Karl.

She totally deserved the heart pain.

But with a smirk her eyes drooped. She allowed Edgar to suffocate her in his warmth. Her last thoughts being a question.

When Edgar turns into a vampire....will he still be as warm?

She sincerely doubted it.


Yui yawned while tuning out Edgar's lively rambling.

It was too early for it.


Surprised that Edgar had chosen to stop speaking on his own, Yui turned to give the boy a questioning look.

"Do you smell that?"

Yui raised an eyebrow at the boy. "Animal crap?" She guessed.

Edgar shook his head.

Yui sniffed again, her eyes widening in realization. "It smells like gasoline!" She exclaimed.

Edgar's eyes widened in alarm.

And before either of them could even blink the village started burning.

"Mom and dad!" Edgar yelled turning around and running away.

"Wait, you idiot!" Yui barked after him.

But he didn't listen.

"What an idiot..." Yui glared at the retreating back and shoved her hands in her pockets. "Only an idiot would think of others in this situation." She mumbled glancing around the burning village.

For now I have to get out of here. Yui determinedly thought.

Why wasn't she panicking? What was the use of doing something stupid like that?

Yui took a step forward intent on getting the heck out of the stupid village.

"You know you're my friend too, right?"

Yui closed her eyes in irritation. The smoke was getting on her nerves. She pinched the bridge of her nose.

"I'm an idiot too." She quietly said before turning around and running in the exact same direction Edgar did.

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