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Yuuri had gone to his room to think after having dinner with the alphas, he thought about many things, but mostly he thought about the silverette and the blonde, he couldn't help but feel bad for them after all they had been taken away from their home and had been sold off as if they were mere objects, and that could've happened to him if he had been born an alpha or that could've happened to Mari if his family wasn't of high standing.

That night he cried into his pillow, cried for the alphas that were now forced to be kept here, cried for all he alphas around and cried for the injustice of the world. And also that night he made a promise, he promised to give both Yuri and Viktor a good life and if he was able he would take them back to Russia.

Yuuri woke up the next morning to a very familiar tanned face very close to his own face, he immediately sprang up and hugged the black haired man

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Yuuri woke up the next morning to a very familiar tanned face very close to his own face, he immediately sprang up and hugged the black haired man.

"Phichit-kun I missed you so much" exclaimed Yuuri while tightly hugging the Thai man.

"Yuuri I missed you too, I had a really fun time at Thailand but I just can't live without my favorite omega" said the beta while placing a kiss on the omega's forehead.

Yuuri giggled while giving the beta a peck on the lips, he lightly pushed the beta and looked at him with a pinkish face "But tell me about your trip, how are your father and mother? Did you have any complications during your trip?"

"Yuuuuurriiiii mom and dad are fine they actually sent you things, and you don't have to worry about anything, you basically ordered Aiko to come with me and you know nobody would mess with an omega as famous as Aiko, anyway I don't want to talk I'm really tired and I just want cuddles"

And with that said he gently pushed the omega onto the bed and covered the both of them with the comforter.

Mari knocked on Yuuri's door, after not receiving an immediate answer she began to turn the door knob to see if it was locked and of course knowing her brother the door was unlocked

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Mari knocked on Yuuri's door, after not receiving an immediate answer she began to turn the door knob to see if it was locked and of course knowing her brother the door was unlocked. She softly pushed the door and quietly entered the young omega's room, she was greeted by the sight of his brother in the arms of his beta best friend Phichit Chulanont.

She would've been surprised if it weren't for the fact that this had happened over a million times, and even sometimes Yuuri snuck into Phichit's room. Even though Phichit wasn't supposed to arrive until next week, but she was glad he was here, she was worried her brother would go into a panic attack with all the stress.

"Yuu-Chan it's time to wake up" she said while gently shaking her brother's shoulder "Mom and dad are waiting for you downstairs" she continued watching in amusement as her brother began to stir but nonetheless cuddled into the beta's chest.

Stubbornly Mari continued shaking her brother and had even to tickle his sides causing the omega to squeal and giggle. Yuuri blinked awake-confused to see his sister in his room he sat up and looked around the room, once he saw the Thai beta he softly smiled and started caressing his hair. Mari couldn't help but smile, but she couldn't let her brother so she softly took his hand and pulled him up to which he whimpered but followed her.

Mari led him to the bathroom were a nice hot bath had already been prepared, she left Yuuri to get undressed and bathe himself while she went towards his closet and chose a light blue colored shirt and a pair of jeans, she set the clothes in the bed while the beta currently in the bed sat up and started rubbing his eyes, he looked around confused until he realized that Yuuri was in the bathroom to which he fell back into the bed and started rolling around while whining.

"Do you want me to call somebody to bring you some clothes or do you want to go get them yourself?" Mari asked while watching the beta in amusement.

Phichit peaked his head out from under the covers and smiled sheepishly.

"Will I look too much like a brat if I ask someone to bring me clothes?" He asks while batting his eyelashes.

Mari throws her head back and laughs loudly. Yuuri curiously peaks his head out of the bathroom and smiles once he sees what was happening, he then decides to get back on getting ready.

"No not really" Answers Mari while going over to the nightstand beside Yuuri's bed and picks up the phone there, she then asks a servant to bring some clothes to Yuuri's room.

"No not really" Answers Mari while going over to the nightstand beside Yuuri's bed and picks up the phone there, she then asks a servant to bring some clothes to Yuuri's room

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Once the maid had brought the clothes and Yuuri finished getting ready, Phichit got up to shower and get ready himself. After an hour he was done and went out the room to see Mari and Yuuri chatting while having breakfast in the little living are in Yuuri's room. He happily pranced over to them and plopped himself down on the couch Yuuri was sitting in, he softly nuzzled the omega's neck causing the Japanese to giggle. He then decided to prepare himself a plate of food and listen in to the conversation the siblings were having.

"So what are you going to do about the alphas?" Asked Mari causing Yuuri to blush and avert his gaze elsewhere. Phichit raised his eyebrow suspiciously and turn to look at Yuuri which caused the raven haired omega to gulp and look at his fidgeting hands.

"Yuuri, what is she talking about?" Asked Phichit causing Mari to wince realizing her mistake and Yuuri to pale.

I'm not good at cliffhangers.

Yeah I know I suck you wanna kill me and believe me I feel extremely guilty, I don't wanna pite excuses but I just wanna explain what has been going on.

First of all I moved, yep I live in the US now so yay I guess. And I've been living with my older sister, my dad and I are trying to look for an apartment to move out. My sister is married and has 3 kids two of which are older and the other is almost my age, so I'm not very comfortable there, and I can't really write and I know this isn't an excuse and I'm sorry.

I hope you guys can forgive me and I hope you liked this chapter.

Sorry guys this was supposed to be updated yesterday

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2017 ⏰

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