Rose Ch1

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This is my first Doctor Who story. I'm planning on trying to do all of, if not most of the episodes of the new and classic series. Please be patient as I dont know when I will post the second chapter.

I dont own Doctor who. I only own Emily.

I was sleeping peacefully, having a nice dream, until I heard it, the knocking.

"Emily, get up, I'm leaving now. Don't stay in bed all day", said my roomie.

"I won't, Rose, probably most of the day then," I told her, still half under the covers.

She stared at me for a moment, then left, probably for work. I rolled over, not getting out of bed anytime soon.

**** Several hours later ****

I was up, fully dressed, ready for the day. I ran my hand through my short hair, trying to decide what I was going to do for the day. I was already at Henricks, where Rose works. I think it was somewhat close to closing time. So I figured I would wait until she finishes.

"This is a customer announcement. The store will be closing in five minutes. Thank you," said the loud speaker. Huh. I wonder who had the fun of doing that job.

I didn't have a job. Probably should, as I'm currently living with Rose. She had been my best friend for years and since I don't have enough money to rent some place, she offered to let me stay at her house. Bless her heart. I wish I had something for my headache though. I've had it for a while now. It comes and it goes. It's getting quite annoying now.

Rose came over to me, signalling that she was ready to leave. We were about to leave when a guard called out to us.

"Oi!" he called.

He hands Rose a package and she didn't look very happy about it. We go and enter the lift that takes us down. The lift pings and the door opens.

"Wilson. Wilson, I've got the lottery money. Wilson?" Rose asks as we walk further down the corridor. She knocked on a door that says 'HP Wilson CEO'.

"You there? Look, I can't hang about 'cause they're closing the shop and I have Emily with me. Wilson. Uhh, come on!"

I was just looking around as she said this. I was starting to get a bit bored as she tried to find this Wilson guy. Because I wasn't paying attention, it startled me a bit when I heard a sudden noise further along the corridor.

"Hello? Hello, Wilson, it's Rose. Hello? Wil...Wilson?"

We both walk down and stop outside a fire door for a moment. I open the door and we find ourselves in a room full of shop dummies. I turn on the light and we walk further into the room.

"Wilson? Wilson?" Rose continues to call out

We continued to walk through the room while I looked at the dummies cautiously, having never come down here before. Though, they start to give me the creeps, the way they stare at you, never moving, waiting for you to turn your back. I followed behind Rose until she reached the door. As she went to try and open the door, the door that we entered previously, closed loudly. I jumped but that when unnoticed by Rose as she ran back. She tried to open the door and failed, then she turned to me to see if I could. I shrugged and gave it a go. Just as I thought, it did not open. Just as I went to turn back to Rose, I heard a small sound, sounding like something plastic was being hit against something.

"Is that someone mucking about? Who is it?" Rose asked.

"Nah, it's just the dummies," I said sarcastically. "Who else could it be?"

We continued to enter further into the room to find out who was playing the trick on us. As we got further in, I heard a sound coming from behind. I turned around and saw that the dummy slowly turn its head towards us. That sort of freaked me out as that was NOT meant to happen. Seeing as they were inanimate objects, they should NOT be moving on their own.

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