Genesis of the Daleks Ch3

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Well, here is chapter 3. I managed to get to done earlier than I thought. I'm planning on doing a chapter a month. I'm planning on doing the episodes in random order and I have already done a list of the order.

I don't own Doctor who or any of its characters. I only own Emily.

"Well, hello Emily," he said in a deep voice. I could make out some parts of him like his curly hair and long scarf due to the dust that had picked up. I had been lying down on rocks and he gave me a hand up.

"Uh, not to sound rude, but who are you?" I asked him.

"I'm the Doctor. Have you met this me yet?" the Doctor asked.

"No, sorry," I replied, sheepishly.

"Well, who were you just with?"

"Twelfth, before that, Ninth."

"Well, I'm Fourth. Come on, let's find out why we're here," he grinned at me. I smiled back and followed after him.

We didn't get too far, with me huddled next to him and him pulling his coat tighter to keep warm, when we came across someone.

"Ah. Welcome, Doctor," the figure said.

"What's going on? Don't you realise how dangerous it is to intercept a transmit beam?" the Doctor asked the figure.

"Oh come, Doctor, not with our techniques. We Time Lords transcended such simple mechanical devices when the universe was less than half its present size," said the figure, who I'm guessing is a Time Lord.

"Look, whatever I've done for you in the past, I've more than made up for. I will not tolerate this continual interference in my life."

"Continual? We pride ourselves we seldom interfere in the affairs of others."

"Except mine."

"You, Doctor, are a special case. You enjoy the freedom we allow you. In return, occasionally, not continually, we ask you to do something for us."

"I won't do it. Whatever it is, I refuse," the Doctor refused.


"Daleks? Tell me more," the Doctor asked, becoming interested.

"We foresee a time when they will have destroyed all other life forms and become the dominant creatures in the universe."

"That's possible. Tell on."

"We'd like you to return to a point in time before the Daleks evolved."

"Do you mean avert their creation?"

"Or affect their genetic development so that they evolve into less aggressive creatures."

"Hmm. That's feasible."

"Alternatively, if you learn enough about their very beginnings, you might discover some inherent weakness."

"Alright, just one more time," the Doctor agreed.

"You'll do it?" the Time Lord asked.

"Yes. If you'll let me have the space time coordinates, I'll set the Tardis for Skaro."

"There is no need for that, Doctor."


"You're here. This is Skaro."


"We thought it would save time if we assumed your agreement," the Time Lord replied, arrogantly. He held up a thick gold bangle with a three ended swirl on it.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2017 ⏰

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