Flatline Ch 2

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And here is the second chapter.  Shout out to the first five who can guess who the Doctor in the next chapter is.

Also, I kinda assuming that people have seen the episode so I'm brushing over the descriptions of the monsters. Some are kinda hard to describe anyway.

I don't own Doctor who or any of its characters. They belong to BBC. I only own Emily.

"Who the hell are you?!" I yelled to the older man.

I had appeared in the console room, the man in question not far from me. He was an older man with short grey hair, probably in his 50's, wearing a dark blue short coat with red lining, navy cardigan, long collared white shirt buttoned to the top, dark blue trousers.

For a brief moment, I thought I saw a sad look flash across his face but I must've imagined it.

"Where did you just come from? Going by your reaction, you haven't met this me yet," he said to me.

"What do you mean haven't met this you yet? Also, where is the Doctor?" I asked.

"I am the Doctor. Also, you haven't told me where you just were."

"How can you be the Doctor? This Doctor is leather jacket wearing man with a northern accent."

"Going by what you just told me, you were with my 9th self. And weren't you playing attention, Emily? I did say that I don't always look the same."

"Prove it. Give me some reason to believe that you were him," I challenged.

"Ok then. When I first met you, when you were being attacked by the shop dummies, I grabbed you by the hand and whispered 'Run!'" he said, meeting my challenge.

"Holy shit. It really is you. 9th self? Do you mean that you have changed more than 9 times?" I asked.

"Language. And yes, I have regenerated more than 9 times. This is my 12th body. And for future references, if you are ever talking about a different version of myself, other than the one you are with, just refer to me by my number. For example, if you were talking about me, you would call me 12. It makes it less confusing for most," he explained.

"Wait, regenerated and 12th body? Does that mean that you have died 12 times?"

"Simply, yes. But let's not dwell on that. I think what we should be focusing on is what you think so far."

"Think of what?" I asked the man that I now know to be the Doctor.

"Me, this me, anyway. And the whole jumping from one spot to another. You know, the whole situation," he said, gesturing to himself.

"Well, I've only just met you. I haven't had enough time to form an opinion of this you yet. And well, if you promise to always be there, wherever I land, I don't care about the whole jumping from one point to another," I answered.

"Trust me that is one promise that I have never broken. Now Clara should be here soon so you'll have a chance to meet her."

Before I got to say anything, she entered through the doors. She must've see me because she shouted my name and ran towards me to give me a hug.

"Ah, hi. I'm guessing you must be Clara?" I sort of asked.

"Yeah. Wait, how many times have you met me?" she asked.

"Just now," I admitted.

"Oh. Well then. I'm Clara Oswald. Nice to meet you," she introduced.

"Emily Black. Nice to meet you as well, Clara," I smiled.

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