Chapter twentyfour

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Hi lovelies❤️

I woke up quickly when I heard a ear piercing scream. It's more of a screaming bloody murder kind of sound, and it was annoying as hell. I had to get my eyes adjusted to the darkness too see what the hell was going on. I then scanned the room to see a girl tied up to a chair across the room from me.

"Who are you?" I asked with a yawn. She was still shaking.

"D-did he take you too?" She stuttered. He? Oh...Jeff.

"Well, technically, yeah but like it's okay though he bought me a knife," I shrugged. She looked confused.

"B-but didn't he hurt you, too? Slice your legs? Suffocate you? Why are you okay, I mean you're just a kid," She quivered. Kid? I'm 17, but that's pretty much a legal adult. Jeez. He did all that? I mean, I already knew he's a...killer...but I just try to ignore it. I never really thought of what he actually did to them. Why'd he bring her here though?

"Sorry, I'm not really like you at all. Where did he take you anyway?" I asked. I heard slight sniffs from her.

"...a nightclub," she answered softly. Why was Jeff, of all people, at some nightclub? It pretty much silence from both of us for a few minutes.

"Y/N, I'm ashamed. I expected you to notice your own boyfriend," Jeff said from behind me, causing me to jump. Boyfriend? I felt his arms rest on my shoulders, making a shiver go down my spine. I turned around slowly to see Jeff smirking at the girl ahead of me. I turned back around and hugged my knees to my chest.

"You just be furious, right Y/N? You see this pretty girl I brought home from a nightclub, it almost makes you want to kill her," Jeff chuckled.

"Why would I kill her? You're the one who brought her back," I said pushing his arms off of me. He snickered.

"I knew you'd be a smartass about it. Cmon, Kim, tell her all the shit talk you said about her," Jeff said. What is he trying to do, here? I mean, I thought he generally liked me...why would he do this? I looked at the girl ahead at me who didn't answer. However, not to be satanic or anything, but I'm curious if what shit talk she did of me. Jeff laughed, and walked over to her chair. He held his knife tightly, and made a clean cut through her hair in a swift motion. Oh my god.

"Okay, okay! I'll talk...please...please don't do anything else," Kim sniffed. Jeff threw her hair at her roughly.

"You better do it quick, because I was just going easy on you for the time being. Now talk," Jeff demanded. I backed up, frightened, into a corner watching the horrific scene.

"Y-yes, sorry. I was at the n-nightclub with Jeff, and uh...he persuaded me to come home with him, so I a-agreed of course," she started off.

"Why'd you say 'of course'?" I say. Kim looked at Jeff, and cleared her throat.

"Well, I'm attracted--I-I mean was attracted to him," she stammered. I didn't really like her already. She didn't look like she had anything to live for. Judging from her piercings and badly dyed hair, she doesn't care about life.

"Can you get to the point already,"Jeff huffed.

"Yes, sorry. So when he took me into his car...he said that he was attracted to me, but he had a girlfriend...but I assumed that he was on a break or something. I didn't think much of it, b-but I was really drunk so I said trashy things I guess that pissed him off...and he attacked me," Kim said quietly. I crossed my arms in disgust. I'm not sure who I'm more pissed at, though.

"I don't know what the hell you're trying to do, Jeff. You think this will impress me or something? This just shows that you get attracted to women all the time, and even girls like her. What? Am I just some 17 year old to you?" I ranted as I grabbed my shoes and walked out the door in anger. As I walked down the hallway, I noticed random blood drops on the floor. Probably that girl. I scoffed just thinking about what Jeff does when I'm not around, and that's when I noticed I was crying. I wiped my ears messily and slid on my shoes before exiting the building.

The environment here at night makes me really uncomfortable. I've never noticed it, but now that I have...I wish I never came out here. I sat down on a nearby bench, and curled up into a ball as I let tears slide down my cheeks.

"Look up at me," demanded Jeff, which made me scoot away from him as much as I could. I shook my head, and kept my position. Jeff forcefully held my face to look at him. He wiped away my tears, and smiled.

"That's not a good look for you," he commented humorously. I rolled my eyes and put my head back into my knees.

"Also, to answer your questions from before, it was not to impress you, I was just...trying to prove that you matter to me. And I don't just think of you as some 17 year old," Jeff said sitting next to me. I smiled to myself. I liked when he says things like that, it just makes me forget about all the shitty things that are going on. He pulled me off the bench, and made me look at him.

"You do realize that you're the only person that I care for, right? I don't look at any other women besides you, and I wanted to prove that I don't. I love you, and that's never going to change," Jeff said. I felt my cheeks get a little red as he said that.

That idiot.

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