Chapter thirty

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Ah! Chapter 30! It's here! Last chapter is coming soon (this is NOT the last chapter)

We seemed to be walking for hours, but we finally made it to his brothers apartment. We walked up the stairs, and up to his apartment. His brother immediately opened the door. He looked just like Justin. He pulled Justin into a hug.

"Justin!" He laughed. He looked at me and gasped. He let go of Justin, and smiled at me.

"Lemme guess, she's the girlfriend!" He exclaimed. I looked at Justin of what to say.

"We-well, uhm, I-I don't kn-," I stuttered but Justin cut me off.

"Yeah," Justin said quietly. Another man came to the door. Justin tensed up.

"I didn't even introduce ourselves! Come in," Justin's brother laughed. We stepped in, and sat on the couch. The two men sat across from us in another couch. Justin's brother had brown hair, with green eyes like Justin's. He had a softer facial structure. The other guy had black hair and brown eyes, and white-olive skin with freckles.

"I'm Jared, and this is my husband Ezra," Jared said.

"I'm going to go to the spare room, thank you for the hospitality," Justin said.

"No problem, little buddy," Ezra smiled. Justin glared.

"I was talking to my brother," Justin said pulling me along. I smiled at both of them before I was pulled into the guest room.

"He seems nice. Both Ezra and Jared," I commented. Justin scoffed.

"Ezra is far from nice," Justin said bitterly. I looked at him confused. He saw my expression and sighed. He flopped on the bed, and yawned.

"Im the only guy in my family who's not gay, so it was like a reverse coming out to my family. My dads pretended to accept me, but I knew they wanted me to be gay just like my older brother. I don't have a problem with the LGBT community, I love them. I go to pride fest every year to support them, but I'm just not born that way. Anyway, when the wedding came up...Ezra did something unforgivable. I was in charge of primping him up before he walked down the isle. He...did things without my consent. I knew I couldn't scream, and ruin Jared's wedding, because he looked so happy," Justin explained. I gaped at him. I thought I had problems...this is just beyond fucked up. I knew I should say something, but I'm not sure what. I pulled him into a hug, and let him lean on my shoulder.

"Should we go soon, and ask about the work he'll give us?" I asked. I felt Justin shake his head.

"Not right now," he whispered.

//Jeff's POV//
(A/N: sorry for making you hate him. It's not like he mentally abused you from the start lmao)

Running away, huh? Those stupid workers at the barber shop wouldn't fess up where she went. I tortured them before to make sure they'll do everything I asked. Now they're dead.   I'll find her. She still needs to make her move. I'll kill off her soldiers one by one until I get to her, then...checkmate. She'll be stupid enough to make friendly acquaintances, so that'll give me some help to find her. I want her. Badly. I want her blood splattered on my clothes. I want to gouge out her eyeballs. I want her to die a slow and painful death. I walked passed the barber shop surrounded by policemen. Policemen...reminds me of that Justin kid. Cant believe he's alive. Maybe I'll pay him a visit back in the Asylum. I pulled up my hood and swiftly walked down the sidewalk.

As I got there, I waited at the side door. Luckily as soon as I got there the door already opened. I noticed a body rotting by the corner beside of me. A woman. Seems like she was bashed in the throat. I walked in, and looked at the bulletin board that has the names of the patients. Thank god there's only one Justin here. I began to walk up the spiral, metal stairs.  As I got to the top, I quickly walked towards Justin's room. There were no policemen guarding this hallway. This makes it ten times easier now. I tried to open the metal door, but it wouldn't budge. I slammed into his until it opened a crack. It was big enough to let me through. I slipped through, and saw that he pushed a desk towards the door. He wasn't here. I looked around, and saw that the window was broken. The hole in the window seems like he wasn't alone. Y/N. Tsk tsk tsk. You're making this way too easy for me.

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