Chapter thirtythree

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I'm really getting unmotivated, and I really want to give you lovelies chapters consistently. So, can you beautiful children give me some constructive criticism?

My eyes drifted around the bus, and began to get heavier. The dim lights flickered even more. I shook my head awake, and looked out the window. I yawned and turned my head back to the front where transparent  people appeared out of nowhere. I took a closer look at them and realized who they were. I gaped at them. They were just like ghosts, staring me down in the bus seats. They're everyone I've ever cared about, dead. They were just staring at me, sitting in the bus seats. I gaped when I saw Anthony and Jake with a large cut on their necks. Next to them was Vivian. She was the only one who had a smile plastered on her face. Liu, the smokers, my brother, Justin, Carina, and the red headed girl from the salon was there. They're all dead. They didn't blink; they just kept staring at me. The smokers, who attacked me at school, were both smoking cigarettes.

"It's not my fault..," I said quietly. Carina glared at me.

"This is all your fault. I thought we were best friends forever," she said in a dark tone. I shook my head as tears fell down my face.

"She's right, babe. I thought you loved me," Justin hissed. I hid my face in my knees trying to block out their voices.

"I thought we were your friends. We saved you, and this is how you repay us?" Anthony and Jake said together.

"He loved me. Not you. You're pathetic," Vivian giggled darkly.

"I warned you, and you killed me. You should've died for your mistake. Not me, you selfish bitch!" The red headed girl screamed.

"You let me die, sister. You left me. You didn't protect me, instead you let the bad man chop me up in pieces. You never loved me. You hated me. You killed me," my brother said quietly. My heart ached when he said that. Then I got my thoughts together and smiled.

"I did didn't I? I did kill you all," I say. They didn't respond. Vivians cold, dead lips curled into a sick smile. My brother stomped on her foot.

"You know what our job is, don't take it too far," he whispered. Vivian whispered something to him, and he was about to say something but held his thoughts.

"Bye bye," Vivian said sweetly as she pushed me out of the window. My side skid against the road, and I felt blood surround me. I screamed in pain. I quickly ripped open the side of my dress and hissed as I saw a gash. A man stared at me with a surprised face.

"Keep on staring at me like that, and you're dead," I snapped. He quickly walked away.
After the burning feeling in my side sort of chimed down, I laid down on the side of the road and looked up at the stars. I never really appreciated them. At home, I couldn't ever see the stars. Too much light pollution to see, but here I could see every single star. Even with a burning pain in my side, I can always find something beautiful. Metaphorically and literally. It reminded me of the time Justin found me 'sleeping' on the side of the road when we first met. Then a person looked down at me, blocking the view of the stars. I sat up slowly, and glared at the guy. I then froze. My heart froze completely. I struggled to find words, but nothing came out.

"Found you," Jeff whispered in my ear. My heart skipped multiple beats and I broke into a cold sweat. I stared to run, but Jeff tackled me to the ground. He got on top of me, and held up his knife. I shook my head. I'm not afraid of dying, but I will never die in the fault of Jeff. I head bunted him hard, but only got an annoyed grunt in response.

"I'm not dying to you, Jeffrey," I growled. Jeff laughed as he struggled to pierce his knife into my heart. I held it up the knife away from my chest as much as I could, but I knew that I was weak. I gave up, and let go. Jeff seemed a little shocked. Jeff out the knife back into his pocket, and pinned my arms down. I felt his stale breath against my face. Sickly, it was kind of soothing. I've gotten used to that stale breath for so long, that it started to latch onto me. I was addicted to it because I knew it belonged to Jeff.

"Don't give up. You almost held me off, but you were discouraged. Fight me like you used to," Jeff growled. My eyes widened, but I was determined. He told me to fight him like I used to. I will. I will do it like I used to.

I pulled his sweatshirt angrily, and he had a smug look on his face. I smirked a bit before kissing him.

"This is why I love you."

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