Chapter thirtyone

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6k views?! Thank you my children. Now I present to you chapter thirty one, you guys better pray what's going on next chapter...(last chapter, I've decided, will be soon but definitely NOT in the next couple chapters)

Your POV

It's been a whole year since...well, since everything happened. Justin and I moved in together when we had enough money, and things started moving up from there. I'm not sure how I fell for that dork, but it happened. I keep on having nightmares about Jeff, and it might sound awful, but I kindof still have feelings for him. It's shitty, I know. He's trying to kill me, but after all that happened I hope he snaps out of it. However, if he does snap out of it, I wouldn't take him back. I'm deathly afraid of him. I've always been.

"You up?" Justin said in his morning voice. I smile slightly and kiss his forehead.

"Go back to sleep, I just had a nightmare," I whispered. Justin wrapped his arms around me, and leaned his head in my shoulder. A couple seconds later, I heard him snore slightly. I smiled to myself. He got a job as a policeman after his brother paid the chief to keep quiet about him. I'm a waitress at a coffee shop, and for once I'm happy. I have Justin, I live with him in a cute apartment, I love my job, and everything is perfect. I thought about going back to school, but I couldn't. It brung back too many memories. Now I'm 18, and a legal adult, so I can actually do things on my own.
My phone buzzed with a text message. I looked at my phone tiredly and saw that it's from my best friend, Carina.

Y/N! I know you're probably awake since you get to the shop like an hour early, or I'm just late lol. Anyway, since the shop is closed tomorrow, do you want to go clubbing today? It's a girls night out! Ask your boyfriend if it's okay, because I don't want any drama starting!
Xoxo, Carina.

I read the text over and over again. Clubbing? Why would Carina go clubbing with the most boring person ever, besides I'm not even old enough...I don't think? I squirmed out of Justin's arms to get ready for work. I put on my uniform, and I heard a whistle. I turn around to see Justin with his arms crossed with a grin on his face.

"Go back to sleep," I said my face red. I retreated to the bathroom to do my makeup. I looked at myself in the mirror. Hmm. I lifted up my shirt to reveal the scars Jeff gave me. I rubbed them as if they'll go away. I put on simple eyeliner and foundation, since I couldn't do makeup for the life of me, and combed my short hair. I heard Justin stumble out of bed.

"Why do I have to get called this early in the damn morning?" I heard him groan. I chuckled at him. Surprisingly, he put on his uniform  pretty quickly. As soon as he opened the door, and stopped him.

"Wait, I need to ask you something before you go. My friend, Carina, asked me to go...clubbing tonight since the shops closed tomorrow. It's a girls night thing, b-but if you don't want me to go...," I sighed tucking a hair strand behind my ears. Justin smiled to himself, and kissed me on the forehead.

"You deserve it, but please don't get too drunk. I trust you," Justin said. I pushed him back a little.

"You really shouldn't," I say as my thin hands still laid on his chest.

"I've dealt with many cases, and I have a gut feeling of who's innocent and who's guilty. However, I don't feel a gut feeling for you. I just relied on my trust for you. I always will," he said holding his firm hands into my mine. I smile lightly, and pushed him out the door.

"Cmon, Officer, you were called in weren't you?" I laugh kissing him on the cheek. He said his goodbyes and headed off to work. I grabbed my bag, and primped myself up before heading out myself. I walked down the sidewalk to the diner, to be created by Carina. She held my hands with hers, and our fingers folded together as if it was a natural thing we do. As if it was practiced.

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