I know she's something

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Since I felt what I felt since I touched her hand, I can't describe..

Since I felt what I felt since I touched her hand, I can't describe

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She looked at me funny once I was back in my own head... she asked what was up and I said...

" nothing ill be right back..."

Rushing off into bathroom / rest room looking into the mirror cunfused and heavily scared realising it's one more hour till I get to go home...

(Bell rings for 45 min period of science)

Jenna walks up to sit by me and out of confusion asked,

(Jenna) "Hey what happened at lunch it was like you freaked out are you ok?"

Me) " yeah I'm fine it's I just noticed something I forgot earlier aha I'm fine..."

( end of day )

Walking out the doors and I bump into a friend who all a sudden appeared after a full day without being seen... Caroline.

(Carol..) " Hey, sorry been out came in last 2 periods sorry I came so i could walk u to your car and possibly go in car with you home as we are bestiesss"

Me) " yeah, sure need to tell you something anyway.."

Me and Caroline get in car and we start to drive on road back home

Me) " hey Caroline I wanted to tell u something, something wierd happened to me today when I touched the new students hand... it was like I saw a vision and the wierd part is, my auntie and grandma tell me I'm psychic and it runs in the family😔😏"

Caroline) " strange but could be something else"

Me) "like what? A black out i dont know cause there was no other explenation"

(Hugs caroline so she can go back into her home where I dropped her off  before going back to my home)

Me) "hey grams, hey aunt Claudia, can i ask you two something?"

Aunt and gram) " yeah sure honey"  " well what is it?"

Me) "well today I noticed something strange... a vision when I touched someone's hand.. darkness and the smell of what seems to be like death.."

My aunt an gram look at eachother like they knew something was happening but was also abit worried... which scared me a little

Me) " wait what Is it, you both know right?"

Aunt) "yeah just a vision nothing bad, ill explain sooner or later"

( one night aunt and grams speak in a room alone)

Aunt) " bonnie is starting to notice what she's doing.. she is using her magic like we all experience like her mother, my sister.."

Grams) " also both my daughter's you are but that's not my concern Claudia deer, it's shes met a vampire... and I best do a protection spell before she wakes for school tomorow!"

Part 2 ... next part tomorow

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