the night I knew.

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So finally it's Friday and aunt Claudia and grandma sit with me in my room...

Grams) "well me and aunt Claudia want to tell you what we know and hope you understand and you will one you grow into it

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Grams) "well me and aunt Claudia want to tell you what we know and hope you understand and you will one you grow into it.."

Bonnie) " well what is it, it's about the other night?"

Aunt) " yes well listen to us, please believe as hard as you want we will prove it aswell.."

Grams) "we go with we are witches, yes witches bonnie ill show you don't believe us??"

Grams and aunt told me to watch the door...

She lifts her arm and the door suddenly slams!

She lifts her arm and the door suddenly slams!

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Bonnie) "what the... did you do That?"

Grams) "what ever you put your mind to, you can do too much and lose control, so be careful if there's any questions ask us now and anytime, you could cause death, fire anything we can show you.."

Bonnie) "are you saying I am a witch and I can do magic?"

Aunt) "well yes, just don't use magic anywhere Ok?!... well I want to also show you something Bonnie, we can make flames and heal and many more but ill show you one..."

Aunt Claudia rips the pillow that bonnie was using and tells bonnie to concentrate on the feathers floating but falling slowly and raise her hand as she does...

Bonnie) "what I'm doing it?! I believe you grams I believe you?!"

Grams) "yeah, bonnie I love you and I see one day you will progress strong just be careful and we will teach you how to protect yourself"

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Grams) "yeah, bonnie I love you and I see one day you will progress strong just be careful and we will teach you how to protect yourself"

(3days later)

It's Monday morning ready for school and am really tired and not ready to get up for school argh

I sit up and as I'm about to get up i pull my arm up to see if it was true or I wasn't dreaming a few days ago and I just lifted my arm and imagined to grab my coat of my door.

suddenly instead of getting a jacket I slammed my door and opened it again...

Bonnie) "jheez ... I feel so wierd but powerful 😂 feels funny to say That, really ... woah"

I get to school and run straight for Caroline and Caroline turns a corner out of no where and bumped into me...

Both) "ooo ouch"

Carol) "jheez you scared the shit out of me haha" (giggles)

Bonnie) (giggles) (shocked) " same haha Caroline can i speak to you??"

Caroline) "sure anything what is it?"

Bonnie) "somewhere private maybe?"

They both go to a odd place in the corridor into a cupboard where students can go during a period for crafts and art...

Bonnie) " promise u won't freak out Caroline i want to prove it was true what i felt.."

Caroline) "fine whatever I promise... so prove it to me??"

Bonnie) "watch this"

Bonnie stairs at the candles on the shelf and light starts to conjure on onto the candles and suddenly lights all the candles in a line!

Caroline) "what? How did you do that was it even you?!"

Bonnie) "grams told me I was a witch last night"

Caroline) "can't be? That's amazing we can lile get amazing dates and make people we hate have a hex on them?!"

Bonnie) "well I can't use magic publicly grams said it's dangerous and besides, I don't know much about this yet..."

Caroline) "mmhmm but that's so amazing aha..."

Bonnie) " I know well I mean I guess"

We walk the halls and bump into jenna

Jenna) "oh hey bonnie how are you, havnt seen u in a while?"

Bonnie and Caroline look at eachother...

Bonnie) "yeah erm been busy with family meet Caroline my best friend knew eachother like all our life"

Part 3 read part 4 it will start woth Caroline and Jenna and bonnie in hall way... <3

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