Just Forget It

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Jin running in the hospital corridors. He saw Nayla and a Guy beside her.

"What happen? Why is Hyesung in hospital?" Jin ask worried.

"I don't know, we just in the police office then he suddenly look pale and threw up, then he lost his consciousness " Nayla said.

"What!? Police office!? What are you doing there? Why you take him out? Who order you ?!" Jin voice become high and angry.

"Hey calm down, no need to shout to my sister!" Yoongi said interrupted.

Suddenly the doctor come out the room.

"He is stable now, please don't make a noise in here." A woman doctor said.

"Why is he suddenly like that doc? Is something wrong with him?" Jin said still worrying.

"It's symptom of allergy. What did actually you feed him before?"

"He just eat porridge in the morning, and an instant food for lunch" Nayla answer.

"Are you crazy?! You want to kill him? He can't eat instant food, did you know that?!!!" Now Jin was lose his control. He was worried so much, that he can't control his voice.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know. Nobody tell me this"

The doctor become confuse and annoyed because of them, then tell them to continue their argue at outside.

"No, I'll stay with Hyesung. You should go, I'm here now" Jin said to Nayla.

Without thinking, Yoongi pull Nayla's hand and take her out of here. He can't watch his sister get the fault of his boss.

"Let's go noona"


Jin was standing beside Hyesung. He was broken to see his only and lovely son in the hospital bed. He can't see Hyesung get hurt and feel pain.

"I'm sorry baby, you have to trough  this." Jin tears up and kiss Hyesung's forehead.

The doctor who talked to him earlier  approach him. She feel sorry for Jin too.

"Don't worry sir, he'll be fine" She said.

"How long he will recover?" Jin ask.

"It's not take too long if he take a full rest and get his medicine. Maybe he will not go to school for a week"

"He don't have a school. He is mentally disable."

"Oouuhh... I'm sorry, I ddin't....."

"Never mind. By the way, can I treat him at home? It will be more comfortable for him, you know a kid like him....... "

"Yeah I understand, he will be panic if he wake up in the strange place. I will arrange that, so he can get treatment at home" The doctor said and smile.

"Thankyou Miss.....?"

"Fiona, just call me Fiona"

"Thankyou Fiona"


After some papers that Jin take care, he take Hyesung home. Despite it's not comfortable for Hyesung, Jin also think about his safety. This world is danger for Hyesung to be live. It will be more safety at home than in the hospital.

Meanwhile Nayla was arrived at home couple hours ago. She felt guilty that put Hyesung in hospital. She also regretting to take him outside. She don't know how to face Jin later, she know that Jin was angry to her.

Jin and Hyesung arrived at home when Nayla cleaning the kitchen. She running to them and ask Hyesung's condition.

Jin was carrying Hyesung who fall asleep in Jin's arms.

"How was he? Is he allowed home already?" Nayla ask with her voice still shaking.

"I'll explain later, now help me prepare his bed"

Nayla nodded and go upstairs. Jin put Hyesung in his bed and make sure to not waking him and didn't get any cold.

"Let's talk outside" Jin said to Nayla.

Nayla feel nervous. She think that she will be get fired and kick out from this house.

"I'm sorry, I'm really stupid and didn't put more attention to Hyesung" She apologize with her sad face.

"Just let's forget it. You didn't know about his allergy either."

"But it's my fault that take him outside. I'm sorry, I was think about my brother more than Hyesung"

"Your brother called me and explain everything. I just felt panic earlier, so I apologise too for shouted at you."

"No no no.... I deserved it, I'm really stupid girl" Nayla said and hit his head.

Jin watch Nayla's act and feel a little consoled and forget about today's accident. He know that Nayla didn't mean to hurt Hyesung. It's just an accident.

It's hard to get someone who can take care Hyesung with their sincere. Jin can see the sincerely in Nayla, so he never think about fired her. He start feel comfortable too for her presence. Cause she make Hyesung feel better when Jin can't be his side all time.

Secret Agent [Kim Seok Jin fanfic]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang