Chapter 10 - Getting Down to Business

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The cameras had stopped filming and the studio crew had proceeded to dismantle the set.

"Congratulations, once again" Leon shook Ariel's hand once more.

"Thank you, Mr Leon Waltz," she blushed at that gorgeous smile hovering over her face.

Camila had briefed her on Leon's Wikipedia biography so that Ariel would not embarrass herself with her state of blissful ignorance. When she was shown the image of who Leon Waltz was for the first time, she instantly recognised him from the poster at the Orient Treasure promoting Coca-Cola, and from the occasional billboards with him modelling in high fashion streetwear. When Camila played a few of his songs, Ariel could recognise one or two that used to play in malls or public spaces. Yet, she never once paid any particular attention to Leon Waltz. To her, he was just another pretty face in public.

"You have very nice hands," Leon observed intently, caressing Ariel's porcelain hand with his thumb. They felt very soft and smooth to the touch. She had a shy calmness about her without exploding in that fangirl mode that he was so used to, and she seemed more excited about her win than about him.

Sensing the flirtatious move, Ariel quickly pulled her hand away.

"T-thank you," she stammered, feeling a bit uneasy. The last time a man flattered her that way was her ex-husband. Since her divorce, Ariel vowed to herself never to be smitten by men again and kept her guard up high. Yet, she could not help feeling some fluttery feelings. Perhaps it was from the excitement of her first competition win, or that she was shaking hands with one of the world's most famous celebrities (her first live encounter with a celebrity, in fact), or maybe it was the result of surviving the long battle in the competition. Whatever the reason, her heart would not slow down its beats. Everything seemed so surreal.

"This is my manager, Arnold Tesser and my PA, Vinny Hashburn," Leon introduced.

"Nice to meet you all. I'm beyond grateful for this wonderful opportunity," Ariel shook their hands with a wide beam that never left her since the announcement of her win.

"You've surpassed my expectations. I now know not to judge a video by its cover. Leon came in time to shortlist you before I had the chance to trash your video," remarked Arnold with a laughing smile. Ariel gushed and nodded in gratitude to Leon.

"Now that you've won, let's talk business," said Mr Fujita. Everyone made their way to an office a level above the studio.

Once everyone was seated, Vinny passed Ariel a stack of papers.

"We're hiring you full-time to stay at Mr Leon Waltz's house for a year, so you're responsible for preparing all his meals - breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks - as and when he requests so. This is not your typical 9-5 job so you'll have to be on call at ALL times except on your off-days on Sundays, unless required," Vinny explained.

"Oh, I'm sure I can handle it. I work long hours at the Orient Treasure restaurant, six days a week and -"

"It'll be more demanding than that," Leon interrupted, his initial friendly countenance morphed into a serious look.

Vinny continued, "As and when you're required to do so, you'll accompany Mr Waltz on his travels. He's a very busy man and will need to have his meals ready at hand. All your travels will be reimbursed."

Ariel nodded, unsure of the enormity of the responsibility that she will be involved in.

"You will also be required to use the entire line of Fujita sauces in most of his meals during the year. Whichever meal you cook with Fujita products, a photo of that meal will be taken, which will be uploaded on all of Mr Waltz's social media accounts."

Ariel tried hard to refrain from laughing after seeing Leon's quick expression of pain at the mention of the one-year plan.

"Mr Fujita is paying millions to Mr Waltz for the endorsement of his products, so make sure you do not fail us. You're not allowed to promote any rival product and you'll be paid a monthly salary for your service. Once you've finished your one-year stint, you'll be handed your $1 million reward."

"Oh, you mean I don't get that money now?" Ariel gave a questioning look.

"Only after  you complete your one-year contract." 

"B-but I did not read that in the contest rules," Ariel expressed her disappointment at the delay in receiving her reward. This was not mentioned explicitly in the contest's terms and conditions.

"Doesn't make any business sense to pay you $1 million before one year ends," said Hiroshi.

"If you're not comfortable about any of these terms, feel free to walk away and I'll call up the second winner to take your place," Leon said flatly.

Ariel's smile faded at the directness of his tone and shook her head as her answer.

"Good. If you decide to quit or if you are terminated before the year ends, you'll lose the million-dollar reward. Are we clear?" Vinny continued.

"Y-yes," muttered Ariel as she flipped through the pages of the contract.

"Good. You'll be given allowance to purchase groceries on behalf of Mr Waltz. You're not allowed to invite friends, family or visitors into his house, unless he expressly gives you permission to do so. You're bound by strict confidentiality that you will not divulge Mr Waltz's personal life to the press or to anyone, nor take pictures of his abode, neither will you behave inappropriately towards him, nor take anything from his house. You are required to act professionally at all times. Before you complete your residence at his house, all your belongings will be searched for security purposes. Any term or condition broken will render the contract void and you will not receive your monetary reward, plus we will take legal action against you. If you agree to the terms, please sign the contract that you have in your hands."

Ariel gulped. Even Madam Yong did not have such ridiculous clauses in her contract, but Leon was clearly an international celebrity. She read and re-read the same clause which stated that no other family member was allowed to stay with her at Leon's house, which ached her motherly heart. Andy would be sorely missed.

Ariel read the other contracts, including a non-disclosure agreement and her employment contract. Her stipulated monthly salary was lower than her salary at the Orient Treasure! Still, she was determined to stick it through the year for the sake of that handsome reward at the end, which would absolutely be worth it.

 She signed all the papers and handed them to Vinny.

No pain, no gain, she reassured herself.

"Fantastic! Take this timetable with you. It's Mr Waltz's meal schedule. You'll start tomorrow," Vinny passed her a sheet.

"Thank you," said Ariel. That was quick! 

She had not had the chance to take a break in between and already, she needed to rush to pack her bags.

"Good," Leon smiled. "Welcome on board! I'm sure your husband and son will be upset with me for borrowing you for a year."

"I don't have a husband. Not anymore," Ariel clarified.

"Oh," Leon frowned and noticed that there was no ring on her finger, then shrugged. "Anyway, my chauffeur, Rico Hernandez will pick you up from your house this evening at eight. You can go now."

"Thank you, thank you so much. You'll not be disappointed sir, I promise," Ariel shook Leon's hand once more and profusely thanked the others before heading her way out of the door.

"What do you think?" Arnold asked them.

"She's kinda sweet and nice," Hiroshi remarked.

"Most importantly, she can cook and I'm very impressed by her performance," added Mr Fujita.

"How 'bout you, Leon?" Arnold winked and elbowed him. "Maybe both of you would-"

"Not.My.Type," Leon gave him an annoyed look. 

At least he was relieved that Ariel did not come across as some fanatic maniac.

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