Chapter 34 - Temptation

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The ladies were having fun in the pool with Angel, playfully splashing and tossing the beach ball at each other.

Ariel tugged at the helm of her baggy T-shirt, trying unsuccessfully to conceal her exposed thighs. The bikini fitted her perfectly but she was not used to it, so she wore her baggy T-shirt over it.

Cheeky Angel! How in the world did he manage to figure out the right size for her! The thought of him studying her body made her feel both disgusted and annoyed.

Ariel's heart galloped when she saw Leon enter in in his swim shorts, revealing his masculine physique and those shredded abs.

She tried to top her pounding stubborn pounding heart.

Stop it, girl! Who cares about him? It's not like you've never seen his abs before!

She kept herself hidden in one corner behind a huge potted plant.

"Leon! Join us for the fun!" Angel hollered.

"You guys enjoy yourself," he replied and dived into the pool for his laps.

"Suit yourself," Angel shrugged.

"Where's Ariel? That girl's taking way too long," complained Beth.

"I'll go check on her," said Rita.

"There she is!" Camila exclaimed, pointing in the direction where she could see part of Ariel's body jutting out from behind the plant. She got out of the pool and raced to her.

"Com'on, Miss Beautiful, don't be shy," Camila pulled her towards the pool.

"Nooo Camil, please," Ariel begged, trying to back away.

Camila grabbed her waist to stop her. "No, you don't!"

"Aw...where's that sexy bikini I gave you?" Angel twisted his lips pitifully.

"Underneath here!" Camila pulled out her T-shirt so quickly, leaving Ariel gaping in horror before she hurried to cross her arms over her body.

"Niiice," Angel remarked with a cheeky grin.

"And get rid of that hair bun of yours!" Camila yanked her hair clip out, letting Ariel's hair flow down to her waist.

"Camil!" Ariel shrieked.

Leon paused his swim lap and turned his attention to the irritating noise.

He sucked in his breath at the sight of that slender figure in the lovely bikini. She may not be ample-bosomed, but he could not believe that under all those unflattering clothes hid a shapely symmetry on a pair of beautiful legs, creamy porcelain skin and a flat stomach without a hint of stretch mark, betraying the fact that she had given birth before. Her cascading hair which was released from that awful hair bun for the first time, making her look painfully alluring and sultry.

"Come on in," Camila dragged Ariel's hands, but she countered by trying to pull herself away. Everyone laughed non-stop at the comic scene except Leon.

"I'll help you," Angel got out of the pool and carried Ariel over his shoulder, supporting her legs with his hands while her upper body hung upside down on his back.

"Angel, let go!!" Ariel pleaded with her hands fiercely patting him to stop, but he continued until he reached the other side of the pool. With his strong hands, he lifted her up by the waist and threw her into the water, head first. The place erupted with laughter while Leon seethed at his brother.

Ariel struggled to catch her breath. Even though she could swim, water had painfully rushed through her nostrils and throat so suddenly upon impact, leaving her breathless and unable to say a word. She was trying to find her footing to alleviate the pain, but realised that this side of the pool was too deep and she paddled her legs and arms frantically.

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