Chapter 1

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Your name was (y/n) (l/n). Your father was the doctor of your town Trost in Wall Rose and your mom had died earlier on in your life. She passed away for some unknown reason and you were old enough to understand she was gone forever.

You were packing a bag to go travel with your dad to Shiganshina to visit Mr. Jaeger and his family. The the dads would leave for a business trip somewhere and you'd stay with the Jaeger's a bit.

"(Y/n)! Say bye to your friend before we go or else he'll never leave," your father called.

"Coming," you said and then raced downstairs with your bag. "I'm ready anways."

"Do you have to go?" Your friend asked.

"Of course, Jean. I love traveling with my father and don't worry about being alone. I mean, Thomas is somewhere," you said and smiled.

"Just promise you'll never forget me and will come back one day," Jean said and you nodded.

"I promise," you said and then Jean put a necklace in your hand. It was a bronze chain with a small red jem.

"It's beautiful. Thank you so much. I'll never take it off," you said and put it on.

"This way I'll be able to recognize you," Jean said.

"I'm only going to be gone for a few days. You make it sound like forever," you said and then hugged him. "Bye."

You then set off with your dad to Shiganshina at Wall Maria.

Couple hours later you arrive and race over to the Jaeger's house. You then burst through the door.

"Hey!" You announced and Mikasa and Eren raced over and hugged you.

"It's good to see you. We just got back from collecting firewood and we're about to eat lunch," Eren said.

You all then sat down and your father was talking to Mr. Jaeger.
"So, Eren is thinking of joining the scouts," Mikasa said out of the blue.

"Eren. Get that out of your head. No son of mine is joining the scouts," Mrs. Jaeger yelled.

"You can't stop his curiosity darling. Now we have to head out. See you kids in a week," Mr. Jeager said and then him and your father left.

"Eren. You can't join the scouts. I forbid it," Mrs. Jaeger.

"You can't control my life forever mom," Eren yelled and ran away and Mikasa followed after him.

"He'll cool down eventually. It's just the way he is," you stated and then began to help Mrs. Jaeger around the house.

/Time skip\
You took out the laundry and began to hang it up on the lines outside. You then heard people screaming and there was large crash. Boulders then began to fly everywhere as the wall was kicked down.

You screamed as one headed right for the the house.

"(Y/n)! What's going on," Mrs. Jaeger said as she stood outside the door and then the boulder crushed the house.
You were hit by debris as the boulder hit the house and you lost conscious.
You woke up later and then next thing you know you're on a boat. You looked up and saw Armin standing in front of you.

"Armin. Is Eren and Mikasa alright," you asked and he nodded.

"But their house was destroyed and their mother didn't make it. We were so worried you were dead as well. I'm glad your okay," Armin said and hugged you. "At least we're heading to Trost. You have a house there."

You nodded.

Hey Guys! Hope you're liking the story so far! Keep reading my awesome friends!

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