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Assalaamu Alaeikum Warahmathullaahi Wabarakaathuhu, Bookworm!✋

Well, The person who love reading books are bookworm, aren't they?😕

Mmm.., whatever.

In my story you might meet many new grammer mistakes but please avoid it and go on reading.😶

So dude I hope this story would be good one to read. I don't know whether this is a romantic story or college story or family story or friendship story. I request you after reading this story please give me a conclusion by telling me what type of story is this through commenting.😉

Maybe the title would make you think that this a love story but when you read the story...............😓

So I hope you guys would enjoy this story. Have a nice day.

And if you enjoyed it give a Thumbs Up 👍

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