Mr. Hitler. My father!

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Assalaamu Alaeikum Warahmathullaahi Wabarakaathuhu!

Smashchilla is back!🙋

Read and Enjoy!😸


Lucy" called Frank and knocked my room door one evening. "Come in," I told and he peeped. "Why?" I asked turning towards him.

My brother has come to my room after many months.

Maybe you think 'How come that?'.

But it's like this, if a guest is in your house and you had given her a room, how would you behave?

Same way.

"Dad asked you to come to his room now" he related.

Father? Asked me to come?

What a medical miracle?

Father don't talk to me much. If he wants to tell me something, he'll tell mom to inform me. And I too don't like to talk to my father. Whenever we talk, it ends in his scold to me.

"Whatever for?" I inquired.

"I don't know" answered Frank and walked away.

Even my brother don't talk to me much. I don't know what's wrong with him but he too behaves with me weirdly. But I thank god that he can remember that he has a sister.

I walked to my father's room thinking why he asked me to come.

Did he get to know about my bike racing. If it is like that I would get some unexpected words from him.

Every step I got down was like as if I'm going to jump into a well of fire.

When I got near his room I knocked lightly. Or else my father would scold me for knocking loudly.

Yeah! Yeah! He scold me whenever he gets a chance and for his luck he gets chances frequently. Lucky man!😈

My mother opened the door "Come in" she called me.

I saw tears filled in my mother's eyes. Something's wrong.

Something's really, really wrong.

And I'm sure about one thing. The wrong is gonna happen to me.

You know how I found that? My mother was crying! So that's easy to find.

I'm so talented, aren't I?🙋

"Lucy, sit down" said my father pointing to a chair.

"It's okay. I'll stand" I spoke. I was so excited to know what my father wants to tell me. But whatever it is, I know it's not a good one.

"I said sit" he ordered. However even if I don't like I have to sit.

I sat silently.

"I have decided to send you to college tomorrow" my father told me and I nodded.

I know that. He don't want to repeat me that again.

So he continued, "And you're going to Old Garden College in West Wood" which stunned me.

I told you. Surprise!!

West Wood!

Looking at him, I yelled "In West Wood!".

West Wood is really a very far place, more than 300km away from my home. I won't be able to come home or meet my mother and I should stay in a hostel.

Good gracious god!

"You must get ready today itself and it's my last decision and you're leaving tomorrow" my father ordered me.

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