Proposing the wrong people

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Assalamu Alaeikum Warahmathullaahi Wabarakaathuhu!

It's me again!

This is a new chapter and I hope you'll like it.☺


When I opened my eyes, I found Ivan kneeling in front of me. He was handing a bouquet in front of me and spoke "Lucy, I love you"


But that wasn't a surprise. I told you earlier.

My doubt was clear. I didn't knew what to say but I must say something.


Lucy, you can do it.

I spoke out "Ivan, you're good, so handsome but I'm sorry, I think you only as a friend of mine. I'm really sorry. I can't agree this" I told a few words.

Ivan looked at me with teary eyes.

"But why? Is it because of Dale?" he asked.

Dale? Why us he pulling Dale into this situation? He's my best friend's... No second best friend's boyfriend. Loso is always first. And I would never deceive my friend.

Then before I speak, Ivan started to talk.

"I knew it!" he shouted. "I thought you will say no to me because of Dale. He don't like me so you don't like me! It's okay Lucy that you love your friends so much but there's a limit to everything. It's your love, not theirs" he was blabbering like an idiot.

Oh man! He meant it in another way.

But that isn't the matter now. He is teaching me how to behave with friends.

That's not a good idea darling.

I am starting to lose my temper.

I am losing my temper.

I lost my temper, at last.

"Shut up Ivan!" I shouted. "You don't have to teach me about friendship. I know my limits and I know how I have to behave with my friends"

He looked shocked. Well, in other words it's terrified.

"I refused your propose because I don't love you! You are just a friend of mine. Oh sorry! You WERE just a friend of mine and it broke few minutes ago. And this is my last warning to you! I don't like anyone judging my friends! They are my friends and anybody tries to insult them will face a severe problem" I bursted out.

I bursted a lot I think.

"Lucy, listen to me," he spoke with difficulty.

I was about to snap him but I felt a bit tired of shouting. So I let him talk.

"I'm sorry I scold Dale. I really thought that you said no to me because of Dale. I'm really sorry" he apologised. "But I will wait for a good reply. I know you don't have a boyfriend so I still have chances right?" he started to irritate me again!

And now, if I fight with him some more it will be ending me punching on him.

I don't want violence............. SOMETIMES.

So I ignored him and walked to my room.

"I will be waiting for your reply" Ivan shouted behind me.

I felt a bit uneasy about what happened so I went to talk with Tenzy but she wasn't there.

"Oh! She went to propose Dale. I forgot it because of Ivan's problem.

So I waited for her. After a while, Tenzy came. I saw her eyes filled with tears. She came and sat on the floor. I ran at her because at first I thought she fainted.

"Tenzy, what's wrong?" I inquired her and she buried her head on my lap.

"I was wrong Lucy, Dale don't love me. He thinks me as his best friend. And—And— he love another girl" Tenzy related and started to cry. "I feel so shame. I am a very bad friend"

It sounds familiar. I rejected Ivan. Dale rejected Tenzy.

But I didn't make Ivan cry.

I don't know what to say. I made Tenzy straight and caught her face.

"Come with me" ordering her, I pulled her and went off to find Dale.

Then I saw Dale speaking to Dylan. I pulled him and without a word I slapped him.


That is called a Thundering slap.

He caught his cheek and looked at me stunned.

"Look what you have done," catching his shirt collar, I told him. "You made her cry"

"I have never seen Tenzy without a smile but today you made her cry. Do you think girls are crazy? Can't you understand her feelings? I say Tenzy, it's your fault to trust this bad egg. And Dale once more if you try to hurt Tenzy, I won't spare you" I yelled at him. But that was not the last. I just gave him a one more slap and Dylan came at me.

"Lucy, stop it. Do you know why he told 'no' to Tenzy? You know why? Because he..." And Dale stopped him.

"I don't want his silly reasons" I yelled. "He hurt Tenzy and that's all"

"Lucy, listen to me. I'm not at all angry with Dale. I'm sad because I misunderstood his friendship as love. But now I understand. I will be his best friend forever" said Tenzy.

"What? Did you say that you're gonna trust a person who hurt you're feelings before?" I questioned her.

She's crazy.

"What did you do to Ivan? You rejected him right? So if 'you' reject someone it's right but of 'we' reject someone it's wrong. Very nice!" uttered Dylan angrily.

Supporting friend, ha? He was talking rudely at me! At the Spunk! But the worst is he was telling the truth. I can apologise him but my ego wouldn't let me so"

When I was about to speak, Tenzy stopped me.

"Lucy please" said Tenzy, so I stopped my speech and walked away.

"I'm sorry Dale. I tried to explain her" Tenzy apologised from Dale.

"No, I'm sorry Tenzy. I'll talk to you later. Now go with her." said Dale, with worried eyes.

Tenzy followed behind me.

"Dale, speak something or Lucy will misunderstand you" I heard Dylan pleading at Dale.

Misunderstand? Curiosity kills.

"Lucy, a minute" called Dale. "I want to tell you something"

"But I don't want to hear anything" I screamed and went off.

Yeah! Yeah! I wanted to know but my ego isn't listening to my mind.

Who guessed Ivan will propose Lucy?

What was Dale trying to tell?

How was the chappy?

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Meet you'll in next chapter.

Until then,
Assalamu Alaeikum Warahmathullaahi Wabarakaathuhu!

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