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little sweet notes near her ears, clear and ringing like a warm rain on a beautiful summer day, the light touch of the xylophone welcoming her in,
and the dip of her voice as she begins to sing, those sweet breaths,
The sun is setting, and you're right here by my side,
there is such a palpable love in the strings, such a beauty, such a yearn when she takes that breath and sings, he knows just what does when he's holding me tight and he calls me moonlight, too
my love, all the light surrounds you, and I feel it even now, when the sky is white and the weather is August-cold,
I feel the warmth from inside you project out, I feel you lift yourself to the moon, bathing in rich, rich moonlight, laughing, kissing the world with your two lithe fingers and smiling lips, holding spilling cupfuls of moonlight in your hands.
I never knew you could hold moonlight in your hands til the night I held you.

The twelfth of August, 2017.

lol I love ariana grande

honeysuckle: poems by colleen cosette goodmanWhere stories live. Discover now