Chapter 24

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"Bite tongue,

Deep breaths,

Count to ten, 

Nod your head."

~ Imogen Heap, "Just For Now"

Sometime between trying to calm herself down and muttering "I'm sorry" to Sirius, who could only see her lips move, Clara sunk down into a rocky sleep. As she let the waves of her fatigue lull her brain into silence, she welcomed a dream behind her eyes. 

She stood in the white space again. She expected to find herself in isolation, blinded by the glow (which she was), but her surroundings began to take shape, molding into walls and corners. As the shifting stopped, she realized she was now standing in a white room, the only source of colour coming from a picture hung up on one of the walls. Curiously, Clara made her way towards the picture. It was of her and Sirius at the station today; her face was pressed into his chest, and they were both smiling, Sirius whispering something in her ear before they pulled apart to meet each other's foreheads. 

"Welcome back," His voice was as smooth as she last remembered it, once again wrapping around her thoughts like a soft blanket. 

Turning around, Clara saw he looked just as he did before as well, except she could see his face this time. Under the russet hair, he had a angular face, with a strong jaw and pointed cheekbones. His eyebrows were dark and thick, sitting over a pair of shockingly grey eyes that almost looked white against the harshness of the room they were in. For a moment, Clara couldn't find the words until she cleared her throat and rooted herself. "Thank you?" 

He raised an eyebrow. "There is hesitancy in your response," 

Clara frowned, moving towards him. "Sorry, it's just that my dream-people usually don't talk to me. Where are we, exactly?" She asked, looking around once more. 

The man mirrored her actions, albeit much smoother than Clara. "You don't know?"

Clara's frown deepened. "Am I supposed to?"

He met her eyes again, "In time, perhaps." He replied smoothly. With four long strides he stood beside Clara, who was still trying to decipher his response, the two facing opposite directions. He peered forward, towards the photograph. "Who is this?" 

She turned to face the same direction. "That's Sirius. He's my..." She faltered. "My friend." 

There was a pause before he leaned back, a smile pulling at his full lips. "Interesting." He turned on his heel, and walked away from Clara without another word. 

Feeling more perplexed by the second, Clara called after him. "Wait, where are you going?"

He craned his neck to look behind him. "I'm leaving." He said, as if it was obvious.

The Quiet Kind Of Beauty -Marauder EraWhere stories live. Discover now