Chapter 25

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Clara had severely underestimated her ability to cope with her situation.

She found that, between watching the flurry of party preparations and finding secluded moments for her mirror, Clara's mind was stuck in a harsh whiplash. She thought the little mirror would be able to ground her, and in a strange way, it had; yet it also delivered the harsh truth that she was not happy with her circumstances. Even more so because she was unable to find a way to fix it herself. As always with her summer stays, she could feel the heaviness in her head pull her down. But she tried anyways, by forcing herself to wake early in the mornings, and dedicate time toward  hobbies that were slowly losing their appeal, because she knew herself and her tendency to get lost in her own head.

So no, she was not coping very well.

Bailiwick was a small light in the shadows of her life, guiding her on walks and making small talk whenever it appeared to him that she was slowly losing herself in her thoughts. And of course, there was Sirius, whom she could only see through the mirror and only heaven knows how much she missed his voice.

She thought about her escape plan, which seemed like more of a dream to her than a potential reality. She thought about what she would do on that night... and her father's reaction.

Daniel's reaction.

Clara resented the fact that she could not hate him. Resented that he was not at all stuck up or sexist or whatever other trait she had previously tagged him with. She supposed, if she had no one else in her life, they would have made a good match. But she does have someone else, and she could tell that she was his 'someone else' as well.

Besides, she was only sixteen.

Seventeen tomorrow.

She took a deep breath through her nose.


Sirius has never felt this useless in his entire life.

There were no words to explain the feeling he got when Clara's face flashed in his palm. No words to explain how he wished he could just step through the mirror and into her bedroom, just to hold her and let her know that everything was going to be okay.

Her birthday was tomorrow.

Sirius breathed deeply.

Two more weeks until he would see her again.


The morning of her birthday, Clara woke up feeling like it just wasn't worth it.

Why bother getting up? She thought, her throat constricting painfully, Why get ready when I know that today is going to be like every other day?

As if on cue, there was a gentle rap on the door. When Clara didn't respond, the door opened a crack.

"Clara," Bailiwick's soft voice carried easily through her room. "It's time to get up,"

With a sigh, she rolled onto her back. "What time is it?"

"Eight-thirty. Your father has already left for work,"

Clara glanced over at the old man. "Did he say anything?"

Bailiwick hesitated. "He asked me to inform you that he has invited Mr. Lewis to spend the day with you. He should arrive after lunch,"

Clara repressed a groan, but dragged herself into a sitting position, running a tired hand through her tangled hair. "Okay, I'll be ready in fifteen minutes,"

The Quiet Kind Of Beauty -Marauder EraWhere stories live. Discover now