Chapter 30

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By the time Clara and Joseph arrived in the ballroom, there was a steady stream of guests that filtered through the front doors. Like a good host, Joseph approached his guests, smiling and shaking the men's hands, and bowing politely in front of the women. Drifting between the buoyant melody that filled the space and the golden lighting, Joseph genuinely appeared at ease. She herself was stationed just inside the hall, greeting everyone with a gentle smile, straight back, and an earnest "Thank you for coming!"

She recognised most of the faces that she met; the haughty Malfoys, their noses upturned but smiling nonetheless. The Notts, Rosiers, Parkinsons', Rowles... families of the children she tried hard to steer clear of back in her days at Hogwarts. Like the Malfoys, though, they smiled when she greeted them.

When it appeared that no one else was entering the room, Clara frowned. It wasn't much of an engagement party if the person she was supposed to get engaged to wasn't here. She knew for a fact that he wouldn't skip... but his lateness was making her even more anxious than she already was. Sure enough, just as she was beginning to worry, Daniel strode into the house, looking as handsome as Clara had ever seen him in his royal blue suit. They met eyes as he entered the ballroom. Clara was dimly aware that the conversations around her had dropped a couple of tones as everyone took in the groom. Suddenly, Clara felt hot under the whispers and curious glances, a blush working its way through her cheeks as she awkwardly tucked a piece of her hair behind her ears. Shoo! She wanted to tell them. Stop staring!

Daniel caught her eyes, and smiled reassuringly.

Like always, Daniel's presence radiated elegance and aristocracy. He found his way towards her, gliding through the crowd, offering apologies to those who's path he cut with a charismatic smile.

As he stopped in front of Clara, she noticed for the first time that he held a bouquet of red roses in his hands. His face was endearingly red, his russet eyes bright with excitement. Clara opened her mouth to say hello -

"You look beautiful," He whispered, stopping her short.

Not for the first time, Clara blushed a vibrant pink. "T-thanks," she stammered. Get a hold of yourself, dummy, she scolded herself. "You also look... amazing," she hated how timid she sounded.

Now it was Daniel's turn to blush. He reached up to scratch his ear. Nervous tick, Clara observed. Then, he glanced down, seeming to remember the roses in his hands with a start. "These are for you," he extended them towards her. She accepted them with a shy smile, laughing gently.

"Did you go to the other end of town again to get these?" She teased softly.

He shrugged. "Try Paris,"

Clara blinked. "Paris?! How did you -"

"Now, Daniel, won't you introduce us?" A playful voice came from behind him, and Daniel's eyes widened as if he had just remembered something.

"Oh, right!" He coughed and stepped to the side. "Clara, these are my parents."

Clara tensed slightly at the sight of his parents, heart pacing a notch faster. His mother's blond hair tumbled down her shoulders like waves of silk, her eyes deep green and swimming with emotion. His father was built like his son, tall, with broad shoulders and a head full of dark, curly hair. Daniel got his eyes from his father, she noticed. Not for the first time, she was reminded of the people she would be disappointed tonight.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis," She extended her small hand towards them. "I'm Clara," She hoped they didn't pick up on the tremor in her fingers

Mrs. Lewis stared at her hand long enough for Clara to start questioning whether she did something wrong. Then, Mrs. Lewis grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her into a hug with strength that su. "Call me Vivian, love," She corrected warmly. Clara held her breath, stiff as a board. When she pulled back she let her eyes trace over Clara's features. "Daniel wasn't exaggerating at all when he said you're beautiful," she gushed. Daniel let out an embarrassed squak.

The Quiet Kind Of Beauty -Marauder EraWhere stories live. Discover now