Chapter 2

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This chapter is actually based off of a real group date from the show. Just thought you should know xx



I finally locate my room at the end of the hall on the second floor of the mansion. I've already seen at least 5 bedrooms suited for 2 people each, and I haven't even explored the whole level. I have a feeling I may get lost more than once. In general, I have a terrible sense of direction.

I find that my luggage has already been brought upstairs for me, but don't bother unpacking. I just pull out a tank top and a pair of shorts before sitting down on my bed. It's comfortable, and the room is amazing. There are 2 queen sized beds separated by a nightstand. They each are covered in spectacularly white sheets, while a beautiful wooden cupboard and dresser stand on the opposite side of the room. There's another door that I assume leads to the bathroom.

I'm about to go to sleep when my roommate comes in. It's Kiana, thank god.

"Hey." I smile at her, relieved to be out of my uncomfortable attire from earlier in the night.

"Hey." She responds, reciprocating my kind expression. We're silent for a couple seconds.

"Can I confess something?" She asks me. I'm confused for a moment- I barely know her- but I'm guessing it's nothing too serious.

"Yeah, of course." I laugh, trying to disguise my hint of confusion.

"I'm glad you're my roommate." She tells me. Well, it looks like we're on the same page.

"Honestly, me too." I confide in her. It's the first time I've said something genuine all night.

"So, is it alright if we agree to be friends?" She asks me with a hopeful smile on her face.

"Definitely. No talking behind each other's backs. The camera's kill for that kind of stuff." I grin.

"Agreed." She responds.

"Alright, I'm off to bed." I tell her, too exhausted to carry on a conversation even though it might be nice to get to know her more. Kiana nods and waves as I slide into bed and pull the covers over myself. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. The lights in the room go out and I drift off to sleep.


"Get up, get up, get up!" There's high pitched screaming coming from somewhere very close to me. I shoot straight up and look around frantically. I see Kiana grumbling next to me in her bed, and a brunette I can't name standing in our doorway.

"What the fuck?" I mumble, disoriented and slightly shocked from my abrupt awakening.

"There's a date card downstairs, we're about to read it out!" She shrieks again. I flinch at the volume of her words and tell her I'll be down in a second. I was not expecting this. Who cares about a date card when you could be sleeping?

I groan loudly and start to pull myself out of bed. It's freezing, and goosebumps immediately arise under my skin, but I'm too tired to change into something warmer. Instead, I just relay the information to Kiana before walking down the spiral staircase into the living room.

I sigh as I step in and see girls huddled on the couches, all focusing on a white envelope in... um... I've got this... -Olivia's! hand.

I feel a presence behind me and turn around to find Kiana. She looks excited, like the other girls, and hurriedly scurries over to join them. I lazily walk over and perch myself on the arm of the sofa.

"Alright, is everyone here?" A girl calls out. She looks around and decides there are, in fact, the correct number of people present. The girls start to shriek as Olivia opens the card. I roll my eyes and huff at the floor. When I look up again, I spot the camera's in the corner of the room. Shit, that won't make me look good. Alright, time to act like this envelope is the fucking ark of the covenant. I look at the card and squeal excitedly, tucking my hands together and jumping slightly. I keep the fake smile on my face as Olivia begins to read out the piece of paper.

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