Chapter 6

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"Charlotte." He states, nearly a whisper. I see emotion transpiring within his eyes that I cannot read. For a second, I stand in shock, but eventually pull myself together, my limbs numb and shaky, and walk towards Harry.

I feel no sadness now- only anger. He put me through that- he made me stand through that entire rose ceremony and waited 2 minutes before giving me my rose? What the fuck was he playing at? And what sort of decent human would do that to another, especially after getting to know them so closely in such a short amount of time, treating them so nicely up until a certain point.

When I reach Harry I don't smile. I don't lean in to hug him or kiss him on the cheek. I take the outstretched flower and mumble a curt, quiet 'yes' as he asks if I will accept the rose. I turn away without another glance and take my place back on the risers.

I'm barely aware of what's proceeding around me as the three girls not chosen step down, issue their farewells, and walk out. As everybody assembles in the middle of the room around Harry to celebrate, I take one step forward off the riser, but otherwise remain completely still. I feel no desire to celebrate with everyone else because there is nothing to celebrate. I don't exactly feel great about being Harry's very last option- a last resort he needed to take extra time to select, because it was so hard to decide between me and 3 other girls he's barely ever spoken to.

I'm embarrassed and I'm angry all at the same time. As girls continue to talk to Harry in the rose ceremony room, I stalk out, disgusted with his behaviour. How could he treat me so sweetly one moment and then humiliate me the next? Multiple times?

I storm up to my room and, to avoid any producers, decide to take the long way around instead of cutting through the living room. I can't handle being talked to right now. All I want to do is shower and get into bed.

I knew I was stupid for starting to get attached to Harry. In a friendly way or not, caring about him in any manner has landed me here- feeling like shit after he's basically rejected me in front of 16 other girls. I swear that I will not allow myself to become attached again- there is obviously no point. I thought that maybe Harry was an actual decent guy- obviously, I was wrong. I don't want to feel this upset over a guy ever again and I won't. I know now there is no use in trying. I will act for the sake of my money and that will be the only reason for any interaction with Harry.

As I take the long way upstairs I realize I've never been in any of the rooms in the particular hallway I'm walking down. They've always been locked every time I've tried to enter. However, as I reach the end, I find that one door stands ajar. I can hear electronic noise coming from within and notice a few flashing lights.

I glance back quickly to ensure the way is clear and then, too upset to reason with myself, enter and close the door behind me.

I survey the room and find that I have no company. Against almost every wall there are large computer monitors with keyboards in front of each and desks with chairs. I get closer and find that one screen remains on.

I sit in the chair in front of the screen and find that a video editing program of some sort is open. I see that footage is uploaded underneath the cutting are, and realize it's footage of us. This must be where they edit the show together.

I gasp at my unexpected discovery. I can see everything that the cameras have captured over the past week. I'm about to get up and leave, but suddenly, an idea enters my head.

Harry seemingly put me through hell tonight for no reason... I have no idea what I've done to make him hate me so much. Maybe with this footage I'll be able to find something, anything, that caused Harry to dislike me in such a vehement fashion. If I know what it is, I can prevent myself from repeating the same mistake in the future. I don't ever want to go through the same experience as tonight.

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