Chapter 10

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The other 4 girls and I board our shared limo around 8 the next time I hear of Harry. After the contest the rest of us poor losers were sent home to wallow around the house for a couple hours while Christie and Harry spent the rest of the day together. Christie will be at the venue when we arrive, I guess.

I really don't care that Christie won the extra time with Harry today. Sure, I don't like the fact that it wasn't me but, honestly, I've come to realize that it's better to be alone off camera than to be with Harry on camera. Also, I doubt Christie has much of a chance with Harry in the first place.

As our vehicle speeds along the highway towards the city, I think back to the date earlier this afternoon. I'm sure Harry was satisfied with my spontaneous little idea, however, I fear that every other girl on the show has had the same idea. I hate to think about it, but I guess I'll have to get used to the feeling- it's the entire concept of the show after all.

I decide it's not wise to sit and obsess over all the things that are possible, so instead I switch my attention to the upcoming date. I count on only being exposed to a small amount of camera time with Harry. I like to be with him and all that (I think), I just don't have the energy to act constantly loved up. That's not who I am. I'd rather treat him with dry sarcasm than doe eyes and bashful glances.

We reach our destination after half an hour and I find we are not going to be having our date in a building this time, but rather outside. I glimpse a large garden expansing the area we're lead into once we arrive. I also notice all the cameras waiting for us, surrounding the space I assume we're expected to sit in.

Thankfully, It's nice out tonight and I won't be sweating my ass off. There are couches assembled in a circle, encompassed by all different types of trees and plants. In the distance I swear I can see water and infer we must be on some sort of beach.

I take a seat and, sure enough, spot the bar a couple feet away, manned by a 20 something college student.

Eventually, I see Harry walking around the corner towards us and can't help the grin that covers my face. He wears a dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up and an almost tight pair of jeans, although definitely not as tight as this morning, I think to myself as I reminisce how much effort it took to pull them down.

He makes eye contact with me for a split second, smiling, before moving on to look at the other women. He lists off his script as has become routine, then Jessica gets up right away to pull him off. I don't know if I feel like taking him away to talk tonight. It definitely won't be as unbearable as the last group date I participated in, but I still don't like the prospect all that much.

I want to discuss what's actually going on between us, not act as if we've barely even looked at each other for the past 2 weeks.

2 hours pass and girls continually drag Harry off to go talk somewhere privately. I really can't be bothered to due to the fact that I saw him only a couple nights ago for some more than satisfactory 'quality time' together. So, I just stay put and listen in on different conversations.

Eventually, Christie comes around to the group I'm sitting in and butts in. Immediately, she starts talking, as she always does, and the conversation turns to a subject that I'm unequivocally uncomfortable with.

"So, did I tell you guys what happened with Harry this afternoon?" Christie asks us all, raising her eyebrow deviously. Everyone shakes their head no and presses for more answers from her, but I remain stock still. Here we go again.

"Well, just know that I agree with what Perrie said the other night- about how Harry is a great kisser. Because he is. We kissed. A lot." She tells all of us, giggling at herself. I want to rip off my ears at this point and I hope that's where she'll finish, but I'm granted no such peace.

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