Chapter 13

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Hello everyone! I just want to let you guys know that the next 2 or 3 chapters may be a little frustrating and difficult, especially if you've never had experience with commitment issues, but that only lasts for a bit. When writing characters, you need to show their faults before you can introduce growth. I'm sorry if it's rough for a bit, but trust me it doesn't go on for long!! Love you guys!


"Charlotte, are you alright to make your way back to your room on your own?" A producer asks from beside me. I nod. I know there will be more cameras in the apartment filming whatever drama has gone down, but I guess I'll have to try and avoid them.

I board the elevator, make my way to the 11th floor, walk down the hallway, and am greeted by 7 girls in the living room as I enter. They all perk up at the sight of me and I'm forced to recount the events of the day with them. For some reason, unbeknownst to me, they truly want to hear every single detail. I never understand why, when the last thing I want to hear from a girl is how her date with Harry went.

An hour passes and they finally allow me to leave. I find that Kiana and Tanya don't reside within our shared room, so I quickly close the door. I reach down into the front of my dress and pick out the note that Harry so graciously left.

8 PM. Front of your hotel. H

Butterflies invade my stomach and I don't know what to do. Is it really worth seeing harry if there's a risk of us being caught?


I sigh at how easy it is for me to make the dangerous decision and frown at the fact that Harry is beginning to hold a much larger influence over me than I would like. I tuck the note away safely in my suitcase, before heading back out to the living room. There are still 5 girls all gathered around the sofa's, chatting animatedly about something I don't care to learn.

The front door is just past them, down a short corridor. I have no idea how I'm going to sneak past all the women when I'll have to walk directly in front of them in order to exit the apartment. It's not like I can say I'm going down to get food off the street- they'll get a tad suspicious when I'm not back for another hour or two, or maybe even longer. I have no idea what Harry plans on doing with me.

I'll have to hope none of them happen to be in the living room at 8 and, if they are, I'll have to conjure some sort of distraction. I sigh in frustration and stalk back down the hall. I check the time and find it's nearly 5. I've got just over 3 hours until I'm due to sneak out.

I fall back onto my soft bed and begin to think again. Kiana and Tanya will notice if I'm not in our room sleeping with them, won't they? I'll have to tell them I'm sleeping in another girls room- but which girl? They know that I don't like many of the others on the show. Even if Kiana and Tanya believe me, I'll have to rely on luck to make sure they don't happen to barge into my nominated girls room in search of me while I'm away. My eyebrows scrunch together in concentration, but I can feel a headache coming on and elect to stop thinking. Instead, I lay reading for a while until 6:30 rolls around.

I hop in the shower to quickly wash my hair before drying it and applying some makeup. I hope if any of the others see me on my way to the front door they won't question why I'm done up so nicely right now.

I elect to wear jeans and a simple white t-shirt. I've barely been with Harry when there aren't cameras on us or in the general vicinity, so I've never worn what I truly feel comfortable in. Now, I guess I can.

I know I've left my converse at the front door, a bad habit I'm sure many of the other girls don't appreciate, so I'm unable to slip them onto my feet presently. I grab my wallet and Harry's note, just in case somebody decides to go snooping through my things, and depart from my bedroom.

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