part 6

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" ... WE ARENT ANYTHING " i literally just said that but when she said it it really hurt .. i couldn't just let her walk away , i felt empty knowing she probably hated me . so i ran after her and once i caught up to her i grabbed her shoulder and pulled her into me letting my every need fall on her . i've wanted to do this since i texted her yesterday and it feels so good to finally do it. her lips are so soft , damn , she's a good kisser . i pulled away not knowing what was gonna happen next and said " what are you doing to me ? " i didn't mean to say it , it just kinda happened . when i'm with her i can't think straight. seriously, what is she doing to me . she didn't say anything she just smiled and looked away . i'm not sure if i can give up my rep yet ... what if i give it all up just to get hurt ..? what if i hurt her ? i can't put her through that .. i have no clue what to do , all i know is i'm not done with her .

- sorry it's kinda short , love you guys 💜

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