Chapter 3

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[Jack's POV]
    {Time skip to lunch}

     As I made my way to the cafeteria, I saw Mark talking to the biggest bitch of them all, Amy.(~A/No offense to the real Amy, she's okay.) 'Best not disturb them', I thought before walking off. I saw Asher sitting down at our table with Cry and Fe.
     "Hey!", I said sitting down.
     "Where's Mark?", Asher asked.
     "With his girlfriend.", I responded in a mocking tone.
     "Who, Amy?", Fe asked. I cringed at the thought of her name.
     "Yup, that one.", I replied.
     "They're probably gonna ditch.", Fe stated flatly.
     "What makes you say that Fe?", I asked, curiously.
     "Oh puh-lease.", Fe mocked in a bitchy tone, "Those two fuck every chance they get. Pure bred fuck boy and fuck girl paired together in Heaven." My heart dropped with that statement. Lunch was eventually over within minutes.
{Time skip to the end of the day, 'cause, 'Fuck you.'}

     As Asher, Cry, Fe, and I were walking to my house to study, Mark and Amy appeared, out of no where mind you, to walk with us. Both looked flustered and out of breath.
     "Hey guys!", Mark chirped.
     "Hey Mark.", Fe and Cry replied. Asher and I didn't because I'm not too find of Mark right now, and Asher knew that. He stood by my side, knowing how ugly things could've gotten if he didn't. Mark and the "group", were having a meaningless conversation, while Asher and I lagged behind purposely. 'I wonder of M-', my thoughts were interrupted by Asher.
     "I know what you're thinking, and I believe the answer", he mumbled. This broke my heart into a bazillion pieces. Which caused me to run ahead of the group, with Asher trailing behind me all the way home, crying. 'Jaesus Jack, get ahold of yourself! You just met him today, so why are you so upset?!', I asked myself. Asher walked in the front door, locking it behind him.
     "You okay?", he asked.
     "I don't know.", I murmured, sitting down, sobbing, with my knees hugging my chest. I refused to let my brother see me like this.
     "He's a dick.", Asher replied, sliding down the wall to sit next to me.
     "He liked me just this morning, what the he'll happened?!", I choked out.
     "Sex. He had sex with Amy. Sex is the only reason he's still with her.", He stated flatly.

     Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Asher went up, and answered it. He turned to me, and mouthed 'Cry and Fe.'
     "Let them in.", I mumbled. He opened the door wider, letting them in. Instantly, they rushed over to me.
     "What happened?!", Fe asked.
     "Mark. Mark happened.", I responded.
     "Oh.", he whispered.

     It was silent for a while. 
     "Well, then we'll just have to get you a boyfriend to keep your mind off of 'him.'", Fe explained, saying 'him' in a disgusted tone.
     "Thanks a lot Fe.", I replied smiling.

Hey, I hope you enjoyed this short, pre-written chapter! I don't know what to say anymore..... Anyway, thanks for reading this chapter, and I'll see ya in the next pre-written chapter!

Word count: 533


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