chapter two

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4th of September 

Patsy awoke suddenly to the sound of music blasting out of her earphones. It took her a minute to register where she was, however looking out of the window that faced her, it allowed her to remember the weekends events. Trixie and Barbra hadn't returned back to the flat till three am loudly waking Patsy to the sound of laughing and the clashing of cups. The next day she had nursed the two women back to health as they groaned there way through the day trying to get over there hangover from an apparant  party. But today she was going to leave the two women to there own devices and set out in search of a library.  It was Monday morning and her first shift wasn't until one thank god. She brought her mind back and focused on the music looking at the time. 6:30. Great. Patsy got up and hoped into the shower then slipping into some black denim jeens with a striped long sleeved top. With her face washed and teeth brushed patsy put on some neutral looking makeup - a mere eleven products - what? Patsy was liking the new contorting faze. Deciding it was time for a cup of coffee patsy grabbed her phone and keys then set off quietly through the flat not wanting to wake Trixie. 

It was still dark but the morning sun was poking it's little head out of the dark, dominating clouds like a cuckoo-clock. Patsy was glad she was out of the shared flat; she needed some time to her self and Trixie was quite the talker even if she was still asleep you could always hear her breathing heavily or moving in her sleep. It didn't matter what, if it was from loud music to laughing to the clattering of cups and cutlery. It wasn't a bad thing it was just that patsy was a quiet, reserved individual who preferred to study in peace and to get wasted in solace but in a few weeks all of that would change with one small country bumpkin. 

Patsy checked her phone -no messages, she wasn't surprised she wasn't exactly the most popular person, in fact the person who would text her the most would be her Aunt telling her about menial things or to hurry up or something else that was utterly pointless and tedious. Slowly the red head strolled into a desolate coffee shop that had barley just opened considering the hours but instead of the barista grumbling out a disgruntled reply to her order and refusing saying that it was too early for her too be buying coffee patsy was pleasantly surprised and was granted her strong latte.  

Instantaneously the disposable paper cup flew out of her hands and into a not so awake small brunette her hand over her mouth in a yawn.  That woke her up. She leaped back in fright, her eyes wide and a high pitched squeal raced out of her throat. 

"Oh gosh I'm so sorry!" Patsy blurted picking up the now empty cup but to the red heads surprise there was no frown or anger on the woman's face only a suppressed smile that unfolded into a grin which transformed into the most beautiful yet somehow familiar laugh. 

"Why are you laughing? I just threw a cup of coffee at you!" Patsy objected abashed but yet somehow she could not suppress a grin that was creeping mercilessly onto her features either. Its contagious. Patsy thought about the grin of the woman in front of her. it definitely was rather fermiller...

"Do you want me to be angry because you will be disappointed"

"Will I now?" Patsy challenged

"Yes - let me show you" The mysterious woman instructed, now letting go of the suitcases that she had apparently had in her hands and placed them on her thighs and tried desperately to keep a "frown" - if you could even call it that - on her face.

"What in gods name!? I Demand that..... you apologize or at least help me with my bags as you have most likely severely burned me!" She shouted in between fits of absolutely glorious giggles.  

"That was most definitely the worst attempt at being angry in all of human history Miss ...."

"Delia - Delia Busby"

"Miss Busby I think you need to re-think your career choices if you are trying to be an actress"

"Well its a good thing I'm not then isn't it?"

"Definitely, now would you like a hand with your bags?"

"Yes please" And with that patsy was picking up two of Delia's suitcases - she didn't know how she had struggled with four in London - and followed her at a reasonable gait as the two women talked about the early Morning. 

"Where I am I taking your bags exactly? Because you never know I could be an axe murderer and steal your bags and then kill you"

"I hope not besides you don't look like an axe murder- flint street if you don't have anything else to do"

"No, mostly because it's nearly eight in the morning I have a shift at  nine  though"

"I'm glad, what job do you do?" Delia asked intrigued
"Oh it's not anything interesting I'm a reseptionist"

"Oh well no offence that is a bit dull but may I ask why you are up at the crack of dawn?" Delia asks trying not to show her discomfort too much but it was impossible - the coffee stank and it was staining her clothes... Patsy winced slightly.

"I woke up at five thirty five and then got ready and went out for a coffee I think my flat mates are still asleep"

"Dam right she should be! So let me get this straight ... you woke up at HALF PAST FIVE in the morning and VOLUNTARILY got up and left to get a coffee at a coffee shop just because you could?! Yet overhear I HAD too BE OUT THE DOOR AT HALF FOUR so that I could get to to London in time for my shift at nine. But no you just think that getting up at the crack of dawn is a BRILLIANT idea"  

"That sounds about right" Patsy chuckled just as another question popped into her head but she didn't voice it, she didn't want to seem rude or too forward. Slowly they entered flint street letting casual chit chat drift between them like leaves curtsying  peacefully to the floor. 

Flint street had a hill, well it was t even really a hill more of a slope and it wasn't hard to drive up or walk up really not to patsy anyway, however for the woman significantly behind her it was definitely a struggle. Apparently getting up this slope with two suitcases was a challenge for the small brunette now lagging quite far behind patsy. She was huffing and puffing trying to haul the two massive suitcases towards patsy

"You know for a woman that just threw coffee at me you could have picked the heavier bags instead of the lightest one's" Delia mocked not paying attention to the pot hole in front of her falling straight onto her face. Colapsing into breathtaking giggles. 


"This is me" Delia  said interrupting the comfortable silence, guesting to a
House which was pretty much identical to the rest of the houses except from the door number, so Patsy handed the suitcases back to the brunette. There hands brushed each others and Delia's hand jumped back. Sparks.  

"Well I'll see you around then" The red head said turning on her heel back to the slope, while Delia dragged all four suitcases through the door. The moment Delia closed the door she let her emotions run wild. A grin as big as any spread across her face like a cat stretching in its sleep. Her cheeks flushed crazily and her eyes were wide with passion. She had felt it. The spark. But one thing she was certain of was that she hadn't felt it at all...

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