chapter three

25 1 2

5th of September

Plunging her into darkness, the brunette drifted into a light slumber, However no sooner had it felt like she had just let herself relax the brunette was being attacked. She could hear sequels of laughter cascading from the walls of her bedroom, she knew exactly which two mischievous culprits were behind the idea of this disastrous plan. Giggling and howling but most importantly jumping on her bed; Trixie and Barbra (her best friends) jumped as a seagull sqauked at them to pipe down causing them to laugh ever harder and louder. 
Delia could see them, even with her eyes closed there faces a mixture of enjoyment, frustration and utter joy cast upon there faces like rainbows. 
Hurriedly failing the two women tried to muster as much noise as they could to wake there best friend but it only made them look ridiculous.

Delia's eyes widened as she flew them open. Barbra had started to sing. That was it.

"Delia!" The two gremlins shouted exploding with an explosion of contagious giggles as they showered the smaller brunette with hugs and kisses on cheeks. 
"What time is it?" Delia groggily asked 
"Nine - don't worry! Mary texted me there was a mixup in the rota your shift has been cancelled" Barbra replied hurriedly before Delia had got too exited.
"What on earth happened to your clothes!!?" Trixie shrieked - she sounded like her mother. Suddenly Delia remembered the now hazy recollection of the coffee. Gradually, the memory came trudging back as the fatigue left her body. As it did fluorescent red was splashed upon her face like two splats of paint on a paint brush. 
"Did you meet someone?" Barbra asked exuberant, her and Trixie's eyebrows raising.
"Maaaybee" Delia slurred purposefully, doging there exited glares, leaping into the bathroom to peel off her clothes and inspect the burns. They weren't bad at all so they wouldn't scar thank god she thought. Just a few red marks that hurt when she touched them. To save any further pain Delia slipped a pair of baggy PJ bottoms and a long white top that had a cute little cat in the corner, she scraped her hair into a lose bun after washing it and left the bathroom to make a cup of tea.

Trixie and Barbra were following Delia like ravenous puppies awaiting there breakfast, and the insistent questions were starting to get on her nevers once they reached the comfy sofa.
"Who is she? Do you like her?" Trixie asked for the ninetieth time 
"Hetrosexual? No. Honestly definitely she's fit as fuck" 
Delia told Trixie and Barbra she was gay two years ago when they were looking at 'hot guys' in the magazine's at the hair dressers. It was honestly the best coming out scene in the world. 
Coming out too her mother was a completely different story. She had said it in anger and frustration as Mrs Busby asked if she wanted to go out with a man from down the street for the 50th time. Mrs Busby wasn't homophobic, not at all she was just sad that her daughter hadn't told her sooner and that she would never have a chance at having children. That she wouldn't ever be a grandmother. 

"I want to know ALL the details!" Trixie squealed

In the old, musky reception of the rather vacant dentist patsy yawned. There was an old man sitting  in a chair in the very corner of the room, he had whispy hair that stretched out in tufts, he was wearing a patchy waistcoat with holes from where the buttons had been. He talked in a low grumble to every one around him  All all - he was just very boring. All in all this job was just very dull.

Eventually her shift came to a close and patsy gathered her belongings. Exiting into the fresh sunny air was a relief, the dentist stank.Walking back to her flat patsy passed a florist catching sight of a bunch of bright pink Begonias, it reminded her of the past attempt at trying to get a job at a florist shop. It did not go well. She chuckled just at the thought of it, at the old dilapidated pensioner that drank far too much peppermint tea and ate far too many Bourbons, at the way she had spoken so uninterested and uninspired. It didn't matter now though she was a reseptionist. She was making a fresh start even if the job was awful.

Entering the flat patsy found it vacant with only a few dirty cups to keep her company - and a stale biscuit of course. silently the red head collapsed into the sofa letting her eyes close and an exhausted sigh escape her lips. It had been a long day from late finishes, nightmares, early starts, lack of coffee, spilling coffee and of course the tedious job.

Now it had entered and lingered on her mind patsy thought about the strange girl in the coffee shop whom she had had thrown her latte on. Her hair flowed down to her waist in an elegant fashion, she had bright sea blue eyes and a dress that aluminated with bright blue spots. Her perfume smelled sweet and expensive like strawberries on a hot summers day. Patsy could smell the sweet sensation now like she was in the room with her or a few feet away. 
That was it, she wasn't going to think about this Delia Busby anymore than she already had which was quite enough.

A loud bang awoke patsy from her apparent nap. The red head found her self running into her room and locking the door, leaning again it in mild nervousness. This was yet another one of her rather strange habits.
"That film was so good!" Some one said Is that the blond one? Or the brunette one? There always together. 
"It was wasn't it? But it was so sad, it even made me cry!"
"Films always make you cry Barbra!" That's the blond one; her name's Trixie right? Yes how could I forget?

"Let's get some wine... I can't believe they don't let you have it in the cinema! What's the problem with fine dinning?!"
"Nothing - it's just not a restaurant Trix" another woman said but the red head  couldn't figure out who it was they did sound fermillia though...
"Is the new person hear I want to meet her!" The woman asked
"I don't know, I haven't seen her today or yesterday that much now I think about it she's probably reading or tidying she looked like the boring type" Trixie stated nonchalantly. Hu. Patsy thought; well then that was a other person added to the list of people who disliked her. Good thing too, that ment she wouldn't have to try so hard to stay away Trixie would want to do it anyway. It's best that way.  Patsy didn't leave her room for the rest of the evening.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2017 ⏰

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