Just like Bats do

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27 March.
- Hey sleepy girl, wake up.
- Umm....hey, what do you want at 6 in the morning?
- I can't sleep....Tummy is keeping me awake.
- *small laugh* Just like a little kid,huh?
- Yeah, I keep thinking about the flashlight and the one who broke into my tower.
- Things are getting weird by the day....
- I think I'll go check the place where I found the flashlight again.
- Ok, just - just be careful...
- Sure.
I took the same road to the place, through the car graveyard, the path in the woods...every single step.
The lanterns were all there, I don't know why I thought that they're gone....
I checked the place around and found only one strange thing about it, a cave.
The entrance is over a bush so no-one could see it, but why would someone hide a cave...
- Anna, do you read me?
- Loud and clear Echo One.
- "Echo One" ?
- That's your codename.
- Why would I need one?
- I don't know...
- Anyway, I found something.
- What?
- A cave.
- Yeah Bob, who would think about it. It is so hard to find a cave theese days.
- Wait you little chicken...it's not just a cave, the entrance is hidden, over some pre-made bushes.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
- So, go check it out.
- I need rope to go down.
- You can find it in the tower.
- You want me to go back....
- You said you need rope.
- Ye, I know but....anyway, I'll go and take it then I'll come back.
-Ok,Echo One
- My name's Bob!
- *laugh*

I took the path to the tower and I made one last stop at the car graveyard....but this time it was different, I felt something, something new, not just the pain of the dead, I felt someones presence, a kid.
I could be a young me, a kid who died during the war, my mind again or..."did I had any kids?", a question who started to follow me on my way to the tower.
- Ok, I got the rope.
- Awesome!
- Yeah, umm...I made a stop at the graveyard.
- I make it everytime you pass near it.
- Yes but this time was different, I felt a presence.
- Sure, they were aliens, or...maybe ghosts,buuuu....*laugh*
- This is serious, what do you know about my past?
- Well, not to many, I haven't heard nothing about you before the incident.
- Can you....
- Research?
- Yeah, but when you got time, I don't want you to bother with my past.
- Don't worry, I'm working in a tower, I'm bored the whole time, and...I'll allways have time for you.
- Thank you Anna.
- Anytime Bob, anytime....
- So, I'm at the cave....
- And?
- I don't know...I'm not in yet, I have to tie the rope from something.
- Find a tree, you're near a forest, there are plenty of them.
- Sure, I'll call you when I'm inside.
- Safe hiking.
- Thanks.
I've attached the rope to a tree I found nearby and went down in the cave. I think I was 30 meters deep in the point I've descended.
- Ok,I'm in.
- What do you see?
- Umm....rock, some rock...and rock.
- ...
- Oh, I also see rock, rock everywhere.
- *laugh*, funny,but for real now, anything special?
- Nothing until now...but it looks like someone went here before.
- What makes you say that?
- The clothes I found...
- Men's wear or women?
- I don't know, I think they're unisex.
- *laugh*, if you say so...
- I'll go deeper to see if I can find anything.
- You still got the flashlight?
- Yeah,why?
- Maybe someone wanted to use it to enter the cave or walk through it.
- Maybe, it's a damn good flashlight.
- Maybe they got something to hide in-here.
- We'll see...
- Yeah, take care out there!
- I will.
I walked through the cave and the only thing I was thinking about was the feeling I had in the graveyard.
"Did I had any son?"
"Did I had any brothers or sisters?"
Those are questions I never asked...
- Anna, I found a rope, it's going deeper in the cave, should I check it?
- I don't know Bob, it's almost 16:00, you could check it...but what if the rope is old and...
- This rope isn't old, it smells like new.
- Ok, your choice.
- I will check it out, see what I can find. Maybe I'll find aomething about the asshole who broke into my tower.
- *laugh" I doubt it.
- We shall see.
The smell of wet dust came into my nose and the bats were all over the place, just like the crows were during the Great War. Just that....the smell wasn't wet dust, it was blood and gun powder. I can hear their screams in the echo of this cave, the pain...I saw them dying slowly, some died in my own hands and I'll never forget their faces.
Everything changed, we don't kill people using guns enymore, we kill them using their own food because the bullets are too expensive to be bought.
I wend down the rope, but I found nothing, just holes and holes and holes... Also there aren't any bats at this "level", and I could feel the smell of sulf.
- Anna?
- Yes Bob?
- I went down the rope and guess what.
- Nothing.
- Exactly, also there weren't any bats and I could feel the smell of sulf.
- Sulf?
- Yes, is it weird to be there?
- I don't know...
- I went out from there because the smell was to much for me.
I will return to the tower, have you found anything about my past?
- Nope, nothing yet, I asked someone to search for your file, he'll bring me the files as soon as he finds them.
- Ok, thank you Anna.
- You own me a chocolate
- I owe you more than one.
- Yeah, I'd like to eat some.
- *laugh* Me too.
I went to the tower, this time I passed the graveyard because I can't take that feeling anymore today...I hope that Anna will find anything about my past because I feel like I don't know myself enymore and anything would be useful...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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