Part 2: The Interview

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The next day, the girls had an interview to promote their new least that's what they thought the interview was for. Turns out, it actually went something like this....

Interviewer: "Welcome back ladies of Fifth Harmony!!!!"

Lauren:"Thank you! We're so glad to be here", she lied with a smile on her face.

She figured that if she just smiled and answered their questions, then it would benefit the album and she could get through it.

Interviewer: "So, I hear some big things are happening for you guys!!!" 

Ally: "Yes, we're very excited to share this new chapter of our lives with our fans".

Interviewer: "Great. So Lauren, you recently admitted that you're bisexual. Tell me about that".

This is where things went a little bit off coarse.

Lauren(in head space): WTF?!

Each of the girls looked over at Lauren and gave her a silent look as if to say, "hold it together".

Lauren: "I thought we were here to promote the album?". 

Interviewer: "You are. But the fans don't want to just here boring dates. They want to know about more important things like your guys' personal lives.".

Now Lauren was pissed.

Normani: "I don't really think that the album release date is boring news", she said quietly.

Lauren: "Damn right it's not".

Ally gave Lauren a stern look that told her to behave. Since Ally was the oldest, Lauren knew that Ally was probably right.

Interviewer: "I didn't mean to upset you. It's just-"

Lauren: "Stop lying", she interrupted. "Of coarse you meant to upset us. That's always what you people want isn't it? To get a big reaction out of us?!"

Ally: "Lauren! Stop it! Calm down!"

Dinah: "I actually agree with her for once. Preach girl!"

Lauren: "We're not here to promote the album! We're here to talk about my sexuality, aren't we?!"

She was screaming now.

Lauren: "Well you know what? I'm damn proud to be bisexual! No one can tell me otherwise! So stop asking your stupid questions and promote the f******* album!"

Ally: "Lauren!!!!!!!!!!!!!", she screamed.

The interviewer was stunned, but only for a few seconds. After that she turned to the camera man to see if he had got the whole thing on video. Lauren looked around the room at all the people starring at her. She began to cry.

Lauren: "I'm done for the day".

The Ally, Dinah, and Normani followed her out of the room. Now it was Ally's turn to talk.

Ally: "You do know what you've done right? Your exploding only made things worse! Now she's going to post that video and it will draw even more attention to you!".

Lauren(still crying): "I was standing up for myself".

Ally: "I hate these interviews as much as you do, but you can't go around exploding every time someone asks you about a sensitive topic".

Ally then walked away toward the car that was going to take them back to the hotel.

Dinah: "I'll go try to calm Ally down. You know how she is. The big mama bear of the group. She's just trying to protect us".

Lauren smiled at Dinah.

Lauren: "Thanks for standing up for me in there".

Dinah smiled back.

Dinah: "Ain't no one gonna mess with my Louser", she smiled.

Dinah hugged Lauren and then walked toward the car. Normani, who had only said one thing in the entire interview, came up to Lauren. She hugged her.

Normani: "For what it's worth, i think that interviewer had it coming".

Mani winked at Lauren and then made her way to the car. Lauren smiled. She knew that things would be different once the video of her was posted but she didn't care. As long as she had her girls, she knew that the drama was all in her head. She made her way to the car and then the car drove back to the hotel. That interview would change everything....

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