Chapter 21

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Ishvalans were people who lived near the east border of Amestris

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Ishvalans were people who lived near the east border of Amestris. They believed in one god, Ishvala, and are heavily known for their bright red eyes and dark tanned skin. Not once have they come to equal terms with Amestrians or our Central government.

It was due to their religious differences that made them move east, away from persecution. But thirteen years ago, an Amestrian solider shot an Ishvalan child. It was the sole spark that started the Eastern Civil War.

Riot after riot soon turned into a full blown war throughout the entire Eastern area. Seven years past with no progress for the Central government, so the military commanders took on a new tactic. State Alchemists.

Using soldiers with alchemical powers had created an all-out genocide campaign against all Ishvalans. They weren't seen as an advancement in science in the military anymore but merely human weapons for the government. It was an opportunity created in order to test the government's stability for war.

It was Mustang who explained all this to us within his office hours after meeting the Isvalan killer named Scar. Hearing his lecture, it was like a review for me. I didn't know what was going on when my mother left for the front lines, but when I heard of her passing I forced myself to read and understand the things that got her killed.

When I learned of her mission in the war—I couldn't fathom it. Did my mother really follow through with her orders to kill every Ishvalan in her path?

I swallow thickly as I sat upon a couch with Mustang's jacket still over me. It was one of the questions I wanted an answer to when I transmuted back her soul.

"I was one of those alchemists," Mustang murmurs bringing me out of my reverie. Looking up I saw Ed sitting atop a desk with a towel around his shoulders and Al on the ground with fabric tied around his broken armor.

Armstrong, Hughes, Hawkeye, and the rest of Mustang's men stood within the office as well with solemn looks on their faces. Looking back Mustang he had his elbows propped on the desk with his hands clasped before his lips.

"It's why there's a certain justice that one of the last surviving Ishvalans would seek revenge."

I shake my head, even if Mustang and the rest of the State Alchemists had orders to follow it didn't give people like Scar the right to rampage through an entire city, assassinating each person. It's still murder.

"No," Ed breathes with his lips forming a thin line. "It's still not justified. He's still involving innocent people for his revenge. He's just candy-coating it by saying it's self-righteous and that he's an instrument of god."

Ed grits his teeth with fire burning in his eyes. I find myself nodding to his words, agreeing along.

"Ed's right," I mumble. "We're talking about someone who hates alchemy, but is using that very power to get revenge. To be honest, it disgusts me."

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