Chapter 1

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              My name is Jessie I am 20. I have 4 kids and a great husband, and I am so happy. But it wasn't always this way.
15 years before
              "Mommy! Look my hair changed from brown to blonde. I found a picture of me with brown hair whenever I was little. How does that happen?"
              "I don't know and I don't care Jess." My mother said very snappy.
               "Sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset mommy. I didn't think it was bad to ask. I'm sorry."
              "Go to your room and read a book like a good kid."
              "Mom I am a good kid, but I can't read yet by myself. Will you help me?"
        "No, go in your room and try to read by yourself I have better things to do!"
       "What about dad can he help me?"
        "No! Gosh Jessie just go to your room and sit quietly by yourself."
         "Okay mom." I walked to my room and sat in my bed. I was sitting with my head between my knees on my purple flowery comforter and looked out my bedroom window. A girl waved to me from her yard at her house. I had no screen in my window so I saw the girl. We had just moved from my old home in Illinois, but now we are in Tennessee. The girl came closer to my window and pointing to the window and then the sky. I shrugged and she went to pretend to open the window. Oh, she wants me to open the window. I unlocked the window and carefully opened it so my mom wouldn't hear. "Hi, I'm Lea!" She exclaimed.
"Hi, my name is Jessie, but you can either call me Jess, or J."
"Cool, I have a feeling we'll be great friends. So what are you doing?"
"Well, I was about to read, but it would take me a while. I know how but I still need help. Since I'm 5."
"I'm 5 too!"
        The girl had brown hair and greenish, bluish eyes. But they were mostly green. She wore a bright pink dress with cowboy boots, and pigtails.
"I love your hair!" I said.
"Thanks, I love your blond hair, blue eyes, and freckled nose. But you could use a new look. You should come over to my house!"
"I will have to ask my mom if I can go to your house."
"Perfect see you in a minute. Make sure to lock your window.
"If I don't show up in 10 minutes I can't go. So come back over."
      Lea nodded and ran to her house. I closed the window and then walked back to the couch my mom was sitting on.
"Hey mom can I go play outside? There's another little girl out there and I want to make friends."
"Fine, but be home by 5!"
        I ran to my room grabbed a bag, and the put snacks in it. I walked out the door and went to her door. I knocked a little bit and the door flew open and there she was. Lea had a smile on her face. She showed me in and and her mom came right up behind her. "Hello, I'm Lea's mom Linda." Linda smiled and shook my hand.
                "I'm Jessie, but you can call me Jess, or J for short."
                "Okay, so my daughter Lea wants to be a fashion designer and figure out what everyone should wear whenever they grow up. So would you like to go shopping with us?"
              "I would love to but I don't know if my mom will be okay with it. I'll have to ask."
              "Oh I'll go over there right now." Linda walked out the door and to my house. Her knock was soft. My mom opened the door with a smile. She looked down and say me. "Oh, was she bad? I'm so sorry. I told her to have manners."
            "No, no she is fine. I was wondering if I could take her on a shopping trip with my daughter and I."
            "Oh, okay let me go grab money for her,"
      My mother was cut off by Linda."No, no it's okay I'll get this one. It seems like our daughters will be great friends. So maybe when they hang out again you'll get it." Linda smiled.
          "Okay have fun."
          My mother closed the door and we got in Linda's car. I haven't seen my mom that nice in a while maybe whenever people are around she's nice! We talked about random stuff in the car on the way to the mall. 

          "Can I pick out one really cool outfit for you?" Lea asked.                                                                                 

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