All of you

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WARNINGS: Usage of dead names, homophobic language, panic attacks and blood
Two sentences. That's all it took to send Rich into tears. Rachel Goranski, it read. You are kicked out of this house. You have one full day to gather your things until I throw you out with or without your belongings. Immediately Rich gathered what little belonged to him and threw it into 2 bags and ran out of the house on the verge of a panic attack. Where the hell do I go!? He thought. The park! Theres a cabin there that hopefully no-one knows about. Once getting to the tiny run down cabin in the forest behind the park Rich threw down his belongings and then descended into panic. Ohgodohgod i'm homeless and i'm gonna die -not that that's a bad thing- and oh my fucking god I can't breathahh okay how the hell do you breathe again? As he was lost in his thoughts and trying to breathe, he didn't hear a familar voice call out his name or hear the door creek open. He vaguely heard traces of someone talking but it sounded like he was underwater. He started to scratch at his arms wildly trying to find some grounding. "-ch? RICH? Woah due 'cmon breathe pleas- NO! No don't do that you'll hurt your self. Oh god you're bleeding... SHIT!" Was- was that Jake? "J-Jake?" He magically mumbled out. "Oh thank god. Yes it's me. Okay breathe with me Rich. In for 7 hold for 4, out for 8." Rich tried his best to follow Jake's instructions while only mildly clawing at his arms even though Jake keeps swatting away his hands from his arms. After a few minuites (to Rich it felt like hours) of that Rich finally could breathe properly and stopped clawing at his arms. He looked down and was met with a sea of red. Oh shit! I opened other cuts... oh well. He started to feel really drowsy "Jake, i'm really tired... i'm sorry but can I sleep for like 10 hours?" Jake smiled looking ready to agree but that smile was wiped away and replaced with a horrified look once he saw the state that Rich's arms were in.  "Hell no! Dude! Rich? Please don't fall asleep!" Too late, sorry Jake he then passed out to Jake's cries of "PLEASE STAY WITH ME!"
Darkness. What the hell? He thought why can't I open my eyes!? After a bit of struggling to open his eyes he heard a familiar voice "Cause all of me, loves all of you." Who the hell is singing right now? I mean they're good but who is singing?! "Love your curves and all your edges, even when-" At that moment he managed to move one leg very slightly "RICH! You're awake! Oh thank god." Finally He opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was a disheveled Jake sitting beside him in a chair looking right at him with a look of relief. "Can you talk?" He asked him. He tried and after a few attempts he finally managed out a quiet "How long w-was I a-asleep?" Jake seemed to think for a moment. "I think about 2ish days... the doctors said there was a 60% chance of you never waking up" he raked a hand through his messy hair as he let out a tiny laugh. He looked at the smaller boy. "Well you sure as hell proved them wrong huh?" Rich then let out a bit of a laugh. He then looked down OH SHIT I DON'T HAVE A BINDER ON, HE CAN SEE MY TITS! He probably wants to never see me again after me not telling him that I wear a binder and, and he's gonna- "Rich. It's okay that you're transgender. I kinda guessed, but I don't care if you have female parts. You are a boy no matter what." Rich looked up at Jake. "I guess I should tell you what happened, huh?" Jake nodded hesitantly "Only if you wanna Rich. It's okay if it hurts too much" Rich shook his head "No i-i'll tell you. So tod-i mean Monday I came home and I saw a note on the table with my birth name and it said I was k-kicked out o-of my house. My fucking f-father kicked me out of my house for b-being transgender!" He broke into tears again. "Shhh it's okay Rich, is that why you were in that old cabin behind the park?" He nodded shyly. "Oh Rich. You could've texted me and I would've gladly let you stay with me." Rich looked at his lap "I don't wanna be a burden" he whispered "Rich look at me right now as I say this." Rich looked at his tall friend. "You are not a burden. You could never be one! I love you too m- OH SHIT" Jake put his hand over his mouth as his face got increasingly redder. Rich almost laughed at how he looked when he realized HOLY SHIT MY CRUSH OF 3 YEARS LIKES ME BACK! Rich quickly responded with a "WAIT WHAT REALLY!?" Jake nodded, his hand still over his mouth and his face still red as a tomato. "Oh man, i've loved you for like over 3 years" Rich burst into laughter after he said that but a second after laughing crazily he started having a coughing fit. Jake rubbed his back, and his face was a little less red. "Sorry for laughing, it's just yo-your face" Jake then lightly slapped him on the shoulder. "Can-can I kiss you?" It was now Rich's turn to go as red a a tomato once Jake said that. "Uhh sure?" After he said it he realized how bad it sounded. "I MEAN YES! I'm sorry, i'm not good a-" Rich was cut off by a pair of soft lips against his. HOLY SHIT THIS IS ACTUALLY REAL! He thought excitedly.
After a few seconds, they pulled away from each other because of their need for air to survive. FUCK YOU NEED TO SURVIVE He thought bitterly.

"Richard Goranski, do you take Jacob Dillinger to be your lawfully wedded husband?" And without any hesitation he said confidently

"I do"

Ahh I hope you guys enjoy this!! After this chapter goes up i'll start writing the fics that people requested! Let me know if you want Married RichJake one shots. Because I can do some 'Day in the life' or something like that if you guys want it. Oh! And also, thanks for over 100 reads!! I know that that is not a lot, but coming from someone who spends almost all of their time reading fanfiction, I never thought that I would have 100 reads :D

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