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"austin, hey!" i smile, "hi, eth."

"how are you doing?" "never been better."

"come on in." he said bubbly, opening the door a bit wider for me to come in. i try not to stare at the house and walk quickly behind ethan. i'd been here before a few times when i was doing a project with gray but it never fails to amaze me how cute it is. it's so small and simple, i always wanted to live in a place like this.

"hey gray," i say entering the living room. "austinnn" he stands up from the couch and engulfs me in a hug. i laugh at the way he greets me.

"do you want something to drink?" ethan interrupts. "yeah, some water is okay." i say, taking a seat on the couch.

"hey, i was sitting there." grayson says grumpily.

"now i am." i say shrugging my arms playfully. he walks up to me and places both his hands on my bare stomach, tickling it softly. i'm confused by the sudden act considering we barely know each other but play along.

"grayson stop!" i laugh. "no, you're still sitting in my spot." "okay okay i'll move." i manage to say between giggles. ethan walks in from the kitchen, a glass of water in his hands. "oh please get a room you too." he says, covering his eyes with his free hand.

"gray?" i ask, he looks at me and i smile. "i've asked three times, what the hell are you watching?" i finish looking at the strange animations on the tv.

"i actually have no clue." he replies, looking at the tv and then back at me. i notice ethan looks at him weird when he does but i brush it off.

"you know thinking about it, you never told me why you wanted me to come over." i said breaking the awkward silence between us all. "we can go to the beach?" grayson suggested. "it's already ten pm." i replied, knowing how angry my dad would be if i showed up to the house any later than eleven.

"so what?" ethan said simply.


grayson throws a towel at me which i fail to catch resulting him to laugh his ass off. i lay the towel down on the sand and settle down to look at the stars. the sky looks so bright and i smile to myself at the sight of it.

"austin, get in the water!" i hear ethan yell from afar. i shake my head.

"uh-uh, the water's cold." "bullshit, come on!" i shake my head once more and ethan runs out of the water and towards me. i get up from my position on the floor and start running away. soon enough ethan catches up to me and grabs me from behind. it's a weird day. usally boys don't show this type of affection towards me. that is if it was affection. maybe they're just nice. really, really nice.

"now you'll come surf with us, right?" "sure."

i walk into the water, can't surf so i definitely will not be doing that but i can swim. grayson swims towards me and starts splashing water on my face- how cliché. we laugh in sync until he suddenly stops and focuses his attention to my arms. i almost forgot that he'd never seen me without long sleeves on. to be fair, no one has, really.

"what is this?" he asks reffering to the cuts on my wrists and clutching them gently. i pulled out of his grip and look down at the water. the gust of wind and the freezing water combined gave my body chills and i used it to draw my attention away from grayson. he asked again but i shook my head and refused to answer, again.

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