Give Me Questions

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Hey guys, I was thinking of doing a Q&A chapter. Basically just ask me anything in the comments, and it'll be put into the Q&A chapter. It could be questions about where I'm going with this book, Rick and Morty, or about meh (high-key doubt y'all want to know things about me tho). I was also thinking of taking requests/ideas that you guys might have for future chapters. If you decided to comment ideas, I'll give credit if I add it to the book (why wouldn't I). I'm not sure how many comments I'll take, I doubt there will be more than 10 since most people read for the chapters only lol. But, anyways, if you have a question, any question about anything, comment it on this specific chapter. If there are more comments than I thought there would be, I'll take more as long as they are on this part specifically. This might become a little series in this book, Idk. Have a great day/night!


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