Dreams and Balloons

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Imagine you're the maid for the avenger and you get sick and this is your dream. Once upon a time in a land real near by you see as I was at my throne trying to do work that needed to be completed when one of my multiple bothersome Jesters Tony of the Starks's who was able to entertain a crowd by building things and being sarcastic nothing would not stop complaining loudly about how it smelled too sweet from the beautiful day perfume my lady in waiting Wanda of Maximoff-land had sprayed to clear away the wood chopper Clint of the Barton farm.

Clint came towards my throne and kneeled

"your ladyship y/n"he said in his raspy girlish voice"the jester who is befuddled and upset by the scent that was sprayed into the air by your lady in waiting is being quite loud and his noise is quite obnoxious and is distracting me from my pointless wood chopping so as a way to prevent the annoyance from continuing I think that you should smite him with a large red rubber carbon filled holder that is tied in a knot at the end also known as a balloon I just so happen to have one of these most wonderful contraptions with me" he said pulling a small red balloon from out of his pocket and presenting it to me.

"Yes pointless wood chopper that it would be a wonderful idea For me to smite I will do that right away" I said reaching out for the balloon. Suddenly the gorgeous bandit Peter of the Parker woods beyond slammed open the doors to my throne room

"Alas you cannot smite him until he has had a proper trial" he demanded annoyingly

So a proper trial was held and it was agreed by the 4 heros including and limited to the lady in waiting Wanda of Maxmoff-land, me the pointless wood chopper Clint of the Barton farm. and even the gorgeous bandit Peter of the Parker woods beyond who had already become extremely bothered and annoyed by the bothersome Jesters Tony and so the small red empty carbon holder that is not yet tied was ceremoniously filled to its full capacity and then tied closed and with the balloon in hand I went over to the bothersome Jesters Tony raised my hand and smote him in the face causing him to crumple in pain and agony thus everyone lived happily ever after except for the bothersome Jesters who was critically and permanently scared and still sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night screaming and crying like a baby in fear of the large red rubber carbon filled holder that is tied in a knot at the end also known as a balloon.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2017 ⏰

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