015. awsten

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Walking up to Geoff's dorm room, I kept the bottle of whiskey tucked into my suit jacket as I slipped into the room, shutting the door behind me quickly. I scanned around until I saw Geoff sitting atop his bed, dressed in nothing but his grey sweatpants and a sad stare.

"Hey Geoff, thank you for letting me come over." I grinned as I slid the paper-bagged bottle of liquor out of the waistband, dangling it in front of my friend's face. "I figured it would take the edge off a bit.

Geoff's saddened expression brightened up a bit as he took the bottle from my hands, clawing at the seal hungrily and trying to get to the alcohol encased inside. "Honestly, this is the best thing you could've brought me right now."

I perched myself at the end of Geoff's bed and watched patiently as he finally opened the bottle and took a hardy swig, almost as of it didn't affect him one bit.

"Here Aws." Geoff handed off the opened bottle to me and laid flat in bed. Running fingers through his hair, he stared up at the ceiling silently.

I sipped the rim of the bottle steadily, not wanting a repeat of the hangover I sustained from the late night excursion with Otto. "I've missed you, so has Otto."

"You have?" Geoff sat up, an astonished expression washing over his lips as he stole the liquor bottle once more and took a hefty gulp of scalding liquid. His eyes watered slightly as he sputtered a little, handing the bottle back over. It was obvious he wanted to be black out drunk by the end of the night.

I nodded in response to my friend's question as I sipped the harsh liquor softly. "Yeah, it hasn't been the same without Geoff Wigington there." I smirked softly and gave the bottle back to Geoff, a drunken smile already settling along his cracked lips.

Geoff pushed at my shoulders lightly as he giggled softly. We passed the bottle back and forth until it was all empty, and both Geoff and I were completely drunk.

"You know, Awsten, you're a great friend of mine." Geoff's slurred speech sounded watery in my ears as his hand fell onto my shoulder, his chin resting on the other one. "I should've gone with you and Otto."

I giggled and blinked slowly, trying to remember which words I needed to use. "You could've found a pretty girl like I did."

Geoff let out a high-pitched giggle and pushed my shoulders gently. "I like penis, Aws. Girls are gross to me." He fell back onto his pillows as his hair dangled in front of his eyes. "I'd much rather find a pretty guy."

The words never truly registered with my drunken self, as instead I just chuckled and fell next to Geoff in bed, playing with my own fingers. "Am I a pretty guy to you?" I slurred as my eyes wavered between opened and closed.

"Trust me, Awsten Knight, you're one on the prettiest boys I've ever seen."

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