Chapter 4 -Seer

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After I got home, I lied on my bed trying to figure out the events that had just occurred. His words were rolling inside my head. Mine. He was so sure of himself. As if he just bought me. How can one man with such a beautiful face,have such an ego! My phone buzzed.

Unknown: Be ready tomorrow at 6pm. N

N? As in Nathan? How did he get my phone number!? It buzzed again

Alex: Hey was wondering if we could meet up for coffee tomorrow?

Me:Sure! :)

The sun is so sharp. I only got in an hour of sleep. I kept dreaming of a wolf. The odd thing about him was that he was completely red. Like a blood red color. He wasn't chasing me, he was rather trying to play with me. But suddenly he got mad, he was growling but not at me at something behind me. When I turned around I was faced with a big black wolf. He looked harmful. He was about to launch himself towards me, when I woke up. This kept on going on the entire night. I open the door of the café when I saw those blue eyes stare at me. There was a huge smile on his face.

"Hey" I smiled at him.

"Hey. I ordered already if that's okay"

"No problem Alex, I am sorry for the way I look, I just didn't get much sleep last night."

"What? You look perfect."

"Thanks." My cheeks turned red.

"How was your night last night? Anne told me you were going to dinner."

"Uh odd." I chuckled.

"Really why?"

"Anne brother Nathan showed up." I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh him" Alex looked tense.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, It's just I don't like him very much."

"How come?"

"He just walks around as if he owns the town." Now Alex was rolling his eyes

"Yeah I noticed his ego."

"But hey lets not talk about him" Alex reached out and touched my hand. Something inside me had a urge to pull away. But instead I just smiled and left it there.

It was around 5pm and I was busy complicating whether I should get ready for Nathan or stream on Netflix. Hmmm. He can't hurt me can he? Maybe not. But maybe yes? Uggg just go with the guy! No! He could be a serial killer! Your being pathetic. Sometimes I hate my inner voice. Fine! I got up and got dressed, nothing fancy tho, I didn't want to impress him. Or did I?

I heard a car pull up outside. Suddenly nerves hit me. I checked my watch. Exactly 6pm. I went to the door but already found him inside. He turned to look at me and my heart melted.

"Hi beautiful." He smirked.

"Hey." I was slightly irritated by now.

"Ready?" He opened his arm for me to lock onto it, instead I ignored him and kept on walking. I got into the passenger seat of his 718 Boxster Porsche. He got in next to me with a sigh and started the car. We arrived at a very fancy restaurant, one where I know I would never be able to afford.

When we entered, everybody was nodding their heads down, clearly a sign of respect. The whole place was cleared out. There was only one table in the middle where the candle was lit. Nathan lead me towards the table and we both took our seats.

"I am not a bad guy you know"

" that's not what I heard." I saw a glint of sadness in his face but he quickly shook that away.

"I'll prove it to you then." He suggested.

"Challenge accepted." I had a smug smile on my face.

"You look tired beautiful." He was staring straight into my eyes.

"I am." I sighed.

"Didn't you sleep." There was concern in his voice



I kept thinking whether I should tell him about the dream or not. I gave in and told him. He had a deep frown on his face.

"Is it the first time, you are dreaming such dreams?"

"No." I confessed. "As a kid I had a lot of dreams like that, just not of the red wolf." He was still frowning, deep in thought.

"Are you okay?"

"Hmm, it's just seems like something."

"Like what?"

"You wouldn't believe me, even if I told you, beautiful."

"Try me." I was now determined.

"Well between my people someone like you is called a seer. It is a very rare gift."

" Your people?" Now I am confused.

He let out a deep sigh."I am a werewolf, and I believe you are too. I don't know why your wolf had been hiding from you, but it's true. That voice inside your head? That's her.

But you aren't just any werewolf, you are a seer. The rarest of the wolf ranks. When you enter a pack you would have a mental connection with them. You can mind speak and read their minds regardless of the distance. You receive visions that's helps the shamans, a very magical wolf, to make accurate predictions. Not all packs are blessed with a seer. Probably why you have been living as a rough, also known as a lone wolf, for so long."

I couldn't believe what I am hearing. I started laughing but soon stopped when I saw his face. He was serious!

"Then what are you in this so called pack?"

"The alpha. Meaning the leader. And soon you will join my pack."

"Well since you said that not all packs have seer, I can join any pack I wish. Why would I join yours?"

"Because not only are you a seer, you are also my mate and future Luna of my pack."

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