Chapter 25 - Heir for a Vampire?

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Avoiding Alec was the hardest part of my morning. I had to eat, but him serving me wasn't pleasant because all I got was scowls and growls. I don't know if the rest of the pack are happy to see me here but all of them were respectful. All that Nathan had said to me since last was him not allowing me to sleep in another bed. He wasn't at breakfast, that earned suspicion from the rest of the pack. I made up the excuses but they didn't seem to buy it.

After breakfast I headed to the training ground. It was about time I start with my training again. Lou was already waiting for me, as soon as I came near he threw me a bamboo stick, it was heavier than I expected. I was contemplating its weight when Lou launched himself forward to me. I was so shocked I fell backwards and landed on my butt.

"Always be on your guard." He barked. I got up and took the bamboo in both hands standing on my guard. We sparred for what felt like forever. Every inch of me hurt by the time we were done and I headed upstairs to shower. After the shower I put on a bronze loose T-shirt and jean and headed to find Nathan we must talk this out.

As soon as I opened the door I was greeted by two eyes. Vincent and Nathan. Vincent's eyes was fixed on me which earned he growl from Nathan. Vincent turned his attention back to Nathan ignoring me.

"As I said." He continued. "There is no way in hell, you are going to use my hybrid army for your silly little war."

"And like I said it is my son's blood flowing through their veins!" Nathan stepped dangerously close.

Vincent looked at me again. He kind of looked like he zoned out, he does that when he thinks deeply

"Fine." He finally answered. "But I want something in return."

"What?" Nathan gritted threw his teeth.

"A vision from the seer."

"What!?" Nathan and I said in unison.

"You heard me."

"I can't do that. I don't know how to turn it off and on." I said.

"You better figure it out soon."

"Perhaps I can help." John interrupted walking into the room. "Sorry I wanted to talk to you Alpha and overheard."

"Continue" Was all Nathan said.

"Back when I was still an apprentice to the shaman, during the rein of your great grandfather, there were plenty of seer's around. I had become acquainted with one, back then they were called Oracle's. I saw how she preformed the ritual for a vision from the moon goddess. We can recreate it for you Luna."

"Hurry then. I will be waiting." Vincent said prompting himself on the couch taking out his phone.

"What do we need?" Nathan asked.

"Copper or gold or silver, basically anything that can generate energy and some wolfsbane."

"Wolfsbane? For what? Its poison to a wolf."

"She would have to take a little bit of it, not a lot, but a little."

"No I would not allow it."

"Nathan it's okay, I can handle it." I stepped closer to him. He sighed and nodded his head.

"Great I'll start making the wolfsbane into a drink and you go find the materials."

"For whats the rest?"

"As soon as the wolfsbane is in your system your energy levels would be low, subconsciously you start to channel the energy from the rocks."


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