#33 a guy hits on you and he gets jealous

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Harry: While you've accompanied Harry to photo shoots before, there's a new photographer and he's been watching you all day. When the boys are on break you're looking over some of the pictures with the photographer. "I'd much rather be taking shots of you." He winks. Harry is in his face almost instantly, almost snarling at him. "How about you just stick to your job and back off my girlfriend." He says angrily, wrapping a protective arm around you.

Louis: Louis gets all tough when you're on a date with him and your waiter keeps hitting on you, asking for your number every time he comes to your table. This is the fourth time he's asked and Louis has had enough. "I'm sorry but could you back off my girlfriend. She's not going to give you her number because she's with me. Now, bring us our check please." He says, failing to hide the attitude in his tone. The guy looks ashamed for a second, flushing and turning to bring you your check, leaving you alone for the rest of the night.

Niall: Niall hates reading but you've dragged him to the library anyway, in need of a good book for the week. As you browse the shelves you spot a book a little higher than your reach, going to find Niall to retrieve it. Before you can find him you run into a boy who looks almost the opposite of him, dark hair and eyes, tall and slim as a stick. He offers to bring you your book, walking back with you to the shelf. As he gets it down he takes out a pen, grabbing your hand to write his number on. Niall turns the corn and sees him, clearing his throat. "Y/N, are you ready to go? I've had enough of this place." He declares. After you've left he scrubs the boys phone number from your hand, adamant that you're never going back to that library again.

Liam: You've been working out with Liam for a while now. After dropping a few pounds and toning up your confidence has boosted, along with the help of Liam complimenting you every chance he gets. While you're waiting for Liam to come join you, you begin running on the treadmill. A guy comes up beside you and starts his jog. "I've seen you here a lot. You've been looking good." He says. Liam comes in and can see you talking to him, pressing the stop button on your machine. Once it had slowed you turned to Liam and he pressed a quick kiss to your lips. "You're looking beautiful today babe. I missed you." He said a little too loudly, nearly scowling at the man.

Zayn: After a few drinks you're dancing and having a good time. The club is loud and full of people, ready to have the time of their lives. Zayn is no where to be found and a guy who's been eyeballing you all night dances his way over to you, a grin on his face. The alcohol has taken over and you shimmy around him, starting to grind on him to the rhythm of the song playing. Suddenly you are jerked away from the guy, being dragged from the dance floor by the strength of Zayn. Once in sight of everyone he doesn't say a word but you can feel the fury as he forces his lips onto yours, claiming you as his own in front of every guest at the nightclub.

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