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"What are you doing?"

"Just checking some emails." Mike said, glancing up at his computer screen from in bed. Carrie stood at the doorway of the guest room in pajama shorts and a tank.

"But why are you in here?" She asked, her hand on the doorway as she leaned against it.

"I don't know, I just woke up and didn't feel like getting up yet. Sorry, I didn't know you were awake." Mike closed his computer and slid out of bed.

"But, why are you in here?" Carrie repeated, putting her hand out to signal the room.

"What are you talking about?"

"What are YOU talking about?" Carrie repeated, emphasizing the word you. "Why are you in this guest room?"

Mike stared at the woman in front of him hard, studying her every feature to see if something was different.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Ah ha. Mike said to himself, pinpointing the difference. Carrie had the necklace he'd gotten her the day they got married on. A necklace that she wore every single day, but hadn't touched since the accident.

A smile snuck across his face, spreading from ear to ear.


"Your memory is back." Mike couldn't help but hug her as tight as he could.

"What are you talking about?" Carrie looked up, slightly pulling back from his arms.

"You have your necklace on." Mike was smiling so wide he could hardly contain it.

Carrie placed her hand on the diamond heart necklace around her neck. "This? And? I wear this every day."

"Not since the accident."

"What accident?" Carrie was utterly confused by her husband.

"We got in a car accident, the night of our anniversary on the way home two weeks ago. You took a bad hit, the car T-boned you. You had short term amnesia. You lost your memory of the past ten years." Mike explained.

"My memory? What? Are you serious?"

"I wish I wasn't. You had no memory at all of anything that's happened in the last ten years. It must have come back overnight."

"So like, I didn't remember you? I didn't know who you were?" Carrie was completely confused and baffled.

"I'd say considering you shoved me away and called security on me when you woke up, I'd say that would be a no." Mike chuckled lightly.

"Oh my gosh." Carrie gasped. "Mike I'm so sorry."

"I don't even remember the past two weeks. The last thing I remember is walking through town on the way home from dinner last night. But I guess that wasn't last night." Carrie added. "That's insane. I can't imagine what that was like for you."

"It wasn't the easiest." Mike took her hand and led her down the stairs." Luckily your mom flew over immediately and she was here when you woke up. She explained things to you. You took it pretty well, you were open to trying to make things normal and be with me. You wanted to know everything about us. I've been telling you stories every day."

"Stories? Like what?" She laughed.

"Everything! You wanted to know literally everything." Mike sat down on the couch and pulled her down with him, instantly wrapping his arm around her. "From the day we met to talking about having a baby and everything in between."

"What did I think of them?" She laughed, snuggling closer to him.

"You said it was like a fairytale." Mike chuckled. "And you got really embarrassed when I told you about our wedding night or any other time I mentioned sex. It was really cute."

"Oh god." Carrie hid her face in her hands and laughed. "Of course I did. I was so innocent when I was twenty."

"It was cute. It was cute to watch you listen to our story. You were fascinated." Mike grinned. He ran his hand through her blonde locks.

Carrie looked up, smiling at him. "I love you."

"It's so good to hear those words." A large smile spread across his face.

Carrie sat up, placing her hand on his chest and leaning her forehead against his. "I love you so much."

Carrie kissed him softly, letting the kiss linger.

"I'm never letting you go." Mike whispered, caressing her cheek with his thumb. Their faces were centimeters apart.

Mike kissed her again, pulling away with a smile. "Next time you lose your memory, don't forget to remember me."

Don't Forget To Remember MeWhere stories live. Discover now