[Chapter I]

It's funny how love can bring two people together.

I mean, I'm not looking for love any time soon, but I just find it funny... Most people don't, but that's just me.

One day, you meet each other, and it seems like only a day has gone by until you'll start using that word... Besides, I don't believe in love; it makes it all the more funnier for me when I see people on the street say such a thing.

It's a bit weird too. How can you spend the rest of your life with just one person called your "soul" mate? I can get the excitement and other factors, but I just don't know how you could do it all with just one person. I find that a bit too extreme for me.

I'm happy for Rachel though. She's twenty-seven, and she's finally getting married to the love of her life. She asked me to be a bridesmaid, and of course I just couldn't say no to those big, green eyes.

I go weak at the knees for green eyes.

Either way, Rachel is my neighbor who I've grown very close to; basically my mom (but not technically). She acts like my mom, and even though I'm not the most optimistic on this 'love' topic, I have to believe in it for Rachel. It's the least I could do for her.

"Ready, Freddy?" My aunt pokes her head in through the bathroom door to fix her green hair.

"Who you calling Freddy?" I roll my eyes and slowly shuffle my feet out the door as I straighten my skirt

"I'm calling you Freddy because you should be ready! Now let's go!" Dee laughes behind me as she turns off all the lights. Her fluorescent green hair is still visible to the world as if the lights were never off. "By the way, Scarlet, your roots are showing," she giggles as she runs past me and into the car.

"Yeah, mhmm, says the one who grayed in secondary school," I bite back, finding too much joy in that sentence. I sit down in the passenger seat and immediately turn on the butt warmer. It's too cold for a wedding, so I secretly hope that they would have butt warmers at the reception too. I knew they wouldn't, but there's always hope.

"And at least I can hear unlike you who's going deaf!" Dee's voice was filled the slightest hint of sarcasm, and of course, I couldn't help but laugh.

"I can hear better than you! It's only certain frequencies I can't hear," I turn on the radio, hoping that Dee wouldn't continue the conversation, but I only hear static as soon as the radio finally turned on.

"So basically, what you're saying is that you're going deaf?" She chuckles and plugs in her phone to take away the static. "You know your mom-,"

I shoot a glare at Dee. She stutters to find an end to her sentence without my harsh glare interrupting her thoughts, "She was going deaf..." Her eyes went back to the small street in front of us. I could almost hear the profanity coming out of her thoughts. It's something that she always does when she knows she's said the wrong thing.

After a while, I got myself to tell her it's okay. Dee had a weak smile but kept her eyes on the road.

The car ride seemed to be so long after every song that hummed through the car speakers. Pizza boxes and soda cans were piling up in the back seat after stopping at every other exit for food.

The hours dragged on and on until we finally reached the church where Rachel would soon be getting married to the love of her life, Marcus. I had already thrown her a bachelorette party so we wouldn't have to come to the church so early.

We piled out of the car with our suitcases of clothes to change into after the reception. We decided to get a hotel room instead of driving at twelve in the morning. Thankfully, the wedding and the hotel were only a block away, and once we were done checking in, Dee and I quickly slipped into the back of the church where she saw Rachel and the rest of the bridal party.

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