Chapter One

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Chapter One

Tamryn’s POV

Moving, I hated moving.

Whoever likes moving is weird, I thought.

You had to uproot your whole life in a truckload of boxes from point A to Point B, then when everything arrives you have to unwrap, unpack, clean and put away the boxes.

I groaned inwardly, this is going to be a long day. It was such work. Work I didn't need. 

Why didn't I hire poeple to do this for me?

Oh, yeah because it was cheaper this way. 

“Tam, where should I put these boxes?” Natalie shouted from the front door as I continued to unload boxes from the truck we rented. I hate moving, did I mention I hated moving? I had moved twice in my life once when I was little, my parents thought our house was too small for three children and when I was a teenager I left  my country to go to school in England. 

“TAM?!” Natalie screamed snapping me back to reality.

“Just put them in the kitchen” I said struggling as I hauled another box out of the truck and up the stairway outside my new house.

The blazing sun did not hesitate to beat on my back and I made a mental note to take the box out with my hats in there and put one on because this was ridiculous. I had become accustomed to the temperature in the England, rain.

No one asked you to move here, this is your own fault.

Thank you self for that little reminder. 

“Ugh, I should really charge you for this! This takes a lot of energy!” Natalie had been complaining all morning. She was such a drama queen.

“You act like you weren’t excited when I told you I was moving to America” playfully rolling my eyes at her.

“If I wasn’t slightly attracted to you, I so would not be here” She said all matter-of -factly leaning up against the truck.

“How the hell did we become friends? You’re such a weirdo” I glared at her as I took out another box, Nash was of no help! She just stood there like she was waiting on some cute guy to walk past and notice her.

You know that's not happening

It was the truth, the home I had purchased was in a retired people's community, I needed the quiet and low drama incidence, but I had failed to tell Nash about my neighbourhood.

As I carried a box of my clothes inside, Nash followed. "I have a good feeling about this place, Tam. My hot guy radar is going off, BIG TIME" 

"Is it?" I said, dropping a box marked 'clothes' at my feet. I was exhausted.

I HATE moving.

We established this

Oh, Shut it

I decided to take a break from unloading the boxes and decided to unpack my clothes, in my room. One of the only furnished rooms in the house. 

As I was unpacking my clothes in my closet, Nash laid on my bed, fiddling with her phone.

“So we’re going out tonight” She said casually.

“We are?” I said groaning loudly.

“Yes Tam, it’s your first night here! We need to celebrate! Go out and party!”

And here in lies the problem, Nash's version of partying and mine are two different things. My idea of a party was pigging out while singing every glee cover known to man. 

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