Ch18 Kidnapped

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It's late, about 10:20, and Brandon still hasn't returned. It's really making me worry. Jack is at the store and Nick is asleep upstairs in his room. I'm just sitting in the living room in deep thought, while 'American Dad' is on. My mind is just flowing with questions and it's really giving me a headache. I got up and walked out of the living room. When I walked to the kitchen I saw Cole talking on the phone, so I leaned against the wall and listened. Sadly I couldn't hear the person talking on the other side of the phone, only Cole.


"Of corse."

"She's just in the living room, watching TV. Ugh...Yes! She's alive!"

"Stop worrying so god damn much. It's just a fucking girl."

".....Yes, sir."

Are they talking about me? I'm pretty sure they are...

Then he got off the phone and started walking out of the kitchen the way I was. Dammit! I quickly ran to the corner of the hallway, I kind of slid when I took the turn, I stayed close to the wall and listened for his footsteps..., but I didn't hear anything. "Looking for me?" I hear a voice nearby. "Fuck..." I whisper under my breath. I turn around to see Cole looking at me straight in the eye with no expression on his face. "You didn't hear anything. Got it?" He says. "And what If I didn't?" I ask. "You'll regret it." He said with a devilish look in his eyes. Cole really scares me. He is like a devil... in human form. Well, that's my opinion. "Alright. I got it." I accept combing my hair back with my fingers and walking up the stairs to the movie room. I really wanted to watch a scary movie. I put in 'The Conjuring', I always wanted to watch that movie. Especially in the dark. I insert the disk and sit on the bean bag chair with a blanket and a pillow.

{A few minutes later}

Oh my god. I'm so scared.... I'm about to turn off this movie. They are starting to play hide and clap.. Oh Jesus... Suddenly when the mom does her 3rd clap.. Two hands comes out a closet and does two claps... I screamed, but that's not what I was screaming about. The movie turned off and the lights were already off. So the only light on was the small night light by the door. I tried turning on the light, but it didn't turn on. There were two hands out of the closet in the movie room. I screamed so loud and ran to the door.

The door was locked.

I screamed for help and no one came. I was so scared. I ran to the corner of the room and cried. I never been so scared in my life...... The lights turn on, Then I hear laughing. The laughing of 3 people. I turned around and Nick came out of the closet, Jack and Brandon came through the door and they were all laughing their asses off. I couldn't believe they would do that to me. I was so pissed off. I felt my face get red from Embarrassment and Anger. They are so mean to do something like that to me. I ran out of the room and I herd them say things, but I ignored it. I locked myself in the hallway bathroom and sat it the shower wiping my tears.

I kept hearing knocking at the bathroom door and telling me they were sorry and to get out of the bathroom, but I just rejected everything. "Alexandria, please! Get out of the bathroom. I have to tell you and show you something Important!" Nick says. "If you come out now, I will give you pleasure!" Jack said. "Pretty Girl, Please open the door or I will force it to open!!" Brandon yells. I just stay quiet. Then I hear a quiet.




There was a loud crash that sounded close and I was in shock to see this. Brandon flying across the bathroom and landed face first on the floor. I get up and jump out of the bathtub and there was a huge hole on the door. "I DID IT!" Brandon yells in victory, As Nick and Jack cheer and laugh. "You guys are insane!" I was surprised. I didn't expect that to happen! "We know." They all say at the same time. "You guys seem drunk.." I glare at all of them. "Nope, we are naturally like this when we feel like it." Nick says. They all give each other a fist pump.

I walk out and Nick grabs me from behind and cuddles me. "Mine.", then Jack runs over and pushes Nick and he falls on the floor and he cuddles me the same way as Nick did, just tighter. "No she's mine." He stuck his tongue out at him. "You boys give her to me, because she's mine and that's final." Brandon says with a knife in his hand that looked like a small dagger. Nick looked nervous and all Jack did was laugh. "Never." Jack challenged. Brandon smirked and charged at us. He aimed straight at Jack. "BRANDON! WAIT STOP! BRANDONN!" I yelled trying to stop all this craziness. It stabbed right on Jack's head. I gasped in shock. "What the fuck, Brandon. That hurt. I didn't know rubber would do that." Jack let go of me and rubbed his head. "Oh, sorry. I kind of used too much force..." Brandon apologized. Wait... What?! ANOTHER TRICK?!?!! THEY ARE GOING TO GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK! "WHAT THE HELL?!" I screamed. "Sorry Alexandria. It was funny." Nick laughed. "UGH!" I ran into my room and locked the door.

"Well, it's late. See you in the morning pretty girl!" Brandon tried cheering me up through the door. I hear them laughing and walking down the hallway as their voice gets farther and farther away.


I can't get that dream out of my head. It's scary, yet it feels so real. I can't sleep. I look at the clock. Only 12:03? I don't know what to do... Maybe I should ask Brandon for help. I get up and walk out of my bedroom door, down the hallway and to Brandon's door. I slowly and quietly open the door so it wouldn't make any noise. Brandon was peacefully sleeping. I don't wanna wake him up if he is like that. So I closed the door. "Alexandria." I hear a whisper. It didn't sound like Brandon.... I turned to see Matthew looking at me with a bit of anger in his eyes. Why would he be mad? "I told you to leave me alone." I whisper in a sharp tone. "You really think I would do that?" He asked. I thought for a minute. "The answer is no, Hun." He answered. "Ok. I'm not your, Hun, Bae. Babe, Baby, Or yours at all." I told. He looked angrier. He walked closer to me as I slowly walked back. "M-Matthew.. Get away from me." He grabbed my arm. "Matthew! Stop!" My voice got louder and louder. He pulled me really close and put his hand up my shirt. "NO!" I yell. Brandon runs out of his room with only some basketball pants on. Wow. His six pack.. Da- WAIT I CANT BE THINKING LIKE THAT AT A TIME LIKE THIS! "Matt. Let her go." Brandon said. Matthew looked so scary. He looked like he wanted to kill him. "What did you say..?" Matthew asked looking at him straight dead in the eye. Brandon looked really nervous and that started to make me worry a lot. "I-I said.." Brandon took a deep breath and he looked back with no fear or any regret in his eye. He looked so calm. "I said to let her go." He said calmly. Matthew chuckled. "I thought we talked about this." He smiled just like Cole did earlier. He made a extremely tight grip on my arm. "Ah! Ouch! Matthew! That hurts!!" I scream. I try loosening his hand, but it didn't work. It just made him squeeze tighter. "Matt! Please! Your hurting her!" Brandon runs to me, but Matthew says to him "Come any closer and I will make things a lot worse." He threatened. I herd like 2 doors knocking nonstop. The voices that were yelling, "Hey open up!" "Alexandria! Are you ok?!" "What's going on over there?!!!" Sounded like Nick and Jack. Everything started to look blurry. I felt the tears fall on my cheeks, like a waterfall. My arm hurt so much, it felt like it was going to fall off any minute. I looked at the stairs, because I had a weird feeling someone was there. I was right.

It was Cole.

Just standing there with his huge smirk on his face....

...Just like a devil.

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